Public Opinion on Crime and Justice - Timothy J Flanagan History, Development, and Trends America's Fear of Crime - Bahram Haghighi and Jon Sorensen Support and Confidence - W S Wilson Huang and Michael Vaughn Public Attitudes toward the Police Bringing the Offender to Heel - Laura Myers Views of the Criminal Courts Just and Painful - Jurg Gerber and Simone Engelhardt-Greer Attitudes toward Sentencing Criminals Reform or Punish - Timothy J Flanagan Americans' Views of the Correctional System The Ultimate Weapon - Dennis Longmire Capital Punishment Self-Protection - Kenneth Adams Guns and Gun Control The Modern Plague - Myrna Cintron and W Wesley Johnson Controlling Substance Abuse The Growing Threat - Ruth Triplett Gangs and Juvenile Offenders Public Opinion and Public Policy in Criminal Justice - Timothy J Flanagan The Art and Science of Opinion Measurement - James A Dyer The National Opinion Survey on Crime and Justice - 1995 - Barbara Sims