Reflexivity and Voice


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Edited by Rosanna Hertz
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Rosanna Hertz is the 1919 Reunion Professor of Sociology and Women's and Gender Studies at Wellesley College. She is the author of Single By Chance, Mothers By Choice: How Women are Choosing Parenthood Without Marriage and Creating the New American Family (Oxford Press, 2008). She is also the author or co-author of five edited collections which focus on the use of qualitative methods including Open to Disruption: Time and Craft in the Practice of Slow Sociology (Vanderbilt University, 2015) with Anita Ilta Garey and Margaret K. Nelson.

Part A Reflexivity: who am I? - the need for a variety of selves in field, Shulamit Reinharz; parents as researchers, Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler; ethnography and anxiety - fieldwork and reflexivity in the vortex of the US-Cuba relations, Raymond A. Michalowski; a feminist revisiting of the insider/outsider debate - the "outsider phenomenon" in rural Iowa, Nancy A. Naples; gender and indigenous research in the Middle East - negotiating self-dynamics in the field, Hale C. Bolak; do you really know how they make love? - the limits on intimacy with ethnographic informants, Tamar El-Or. Part B Voice: the myth of silent authorship - self, substance and style in ethnographic writing, Kathy Charmaz and Richard G. Mitchell; personal writing in social science - issues of production and interpretation, Marjorie L. DeVault; reconsidering table talk - critical thoughts on the relationship between sociology, autobiography and self-indulgence, Eric Mykhalowskiy; the case of mistaken identity - problems in representing women on the right, Faye Ginsberg; gender and voice, signature and audience in North Indian lyric traditions, Geeta Patel.

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