The annual Campbell Prizes, which honor the memory of distinguished social scientist Donald T. Campbell, recognize outstanding social science research conducted by Lehigh students. Donald T. Campbell passed away on May 6, 1996, leaving a legacy of high standards for social science inquiry to Lehigh University and the national and international social science community. He was University Professor of Social Relations, Psychology, and Education at Lehigh University until he retired in 1994. Campbell received his A.B. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, and he held teaching positions at Northwestern University, Syracuse University, University of Chicago, and Ohio State University. During his career, he also lectured at Oxford, Harvard, and Yale Universities. He served as president of the American Psychological Association and was a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Campbell received numerous honorary degrees and awards. He wrote more than 235 articles in the areas of social psychology, sociology, anthropology, education, and philosophy, covering a broad scope of topics from social science methodology to philosophy of science. The Campbell Prize honors this aspiration for excellence. The prize of $500 is awarded for social science papers of high quality, methodological originality, and societal significance, as embodied in the work of the late Donald T. Campbell. Donald Campbell and his remarkable career earned a New York Times obituary and a Lehigh University faculty memorial resolution.
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Introduction PART ONE: VALIDITY OF ATTITUDE AND PERSONALITY TESTS Types of Validity Construct, Trait, or Discriminant Validity Multitrait-Multimethod Validity Matrix Does the method of Measurement Add Irrelevancies or Does It Dilute? The Current Status of Research on the Multitrait-Multimethod Validity Matrix The Contemporary Philosophy of Science Appropriate to the Multitrait-Multimethod Validity Matrix Biases in Attitude and personality Scales PART TWO: INDIRECT MEASURES Fifteen Validity Issues Affecting All Measures Indirect Attitude Measures Seating Patterns as an Attitude Index PART THREE: QUALITATIVE AND ETHNOGRAPHIC APPROACHES Qualitative Research Methods in Program Evaluation The Qualitative Case Study Using the Anthropologist's Informants The Translation of Personality and Attitude Tests Field-Manual Anthropology PART FOUR: THE USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS Administrative Records as Ontinuous Experimental Laboratories for Experimental Innovations Welfare Recipients and Social Workers as Judges of the Effectiveness of the Program PART FIVE: ETHICS AND RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS Preserving Confidentiality Protection of Research Participants
"This book is a cause for celebration for social scientists of all stripes." -- Charles S. Reichardt