PART ONE: MENTAL HEALTH Therapeutic Support Groups for African American Men - Anderson J Franklin Group Work With Sexually Abused African American Boys - Shirley Salmon-Davis and Larry E Davis Psychiatric Treatment of Older African American Males - F M Baker Counseling African American Men - Courtland C Lee Responding to the Needs of The Gay Male Client - James Herbert Williams PART TWO: HEALTH Prostate Cancer in African American Men - Robert Pierce Thoughts on Psychosocial Interventions Working with African American Males with Diabetes - Leo E Hendricks Reducing Risk Taking among African American Males - Steven Schinke, Kristin Cole, Christopher Williams, and Gilbert Botvin PART THREE: EDUCATION African American Males - Paula Allen-Meares Their Status, Educational Plight, and the Possibilities for Their Future Mapping School Violence with Students, Teachers, and Administrators - Ron Avi Astor, Heather Ann Meyer, and Ronald Pitner Getting African American Male School Students on Track - Don C Locke Meeting the Educational Needs of Homeless and Highly Mobile African American Youths - William R Penuel, Bertha Sherrill, Timothy Davey, and Elizabeth Allison The Education of Adolescent Black Males - Garett Albert Duncan Connecting Self-Esteem to Human Dignity PART FOUR: FAMILIAL RELATIONS Family Practice with African American Males - Ruth G McRoy, Sadye M L Logan, and Edith M Freeman Culturally Sensitive Interventions with African American Teenage Fathers - Mark S Kiselica Working with Incarcerated African American Males and Their Families - Anthony E O King Working in Groups with African American Men Who Batter - Oliver J Williams PART FIVE: GANGS, RISKY BEHAVIOR, AND DELINQUENCY Gang Prevention and Intervention with African American Males - Scott H Decker and G David Curry Preventing Delinquency Among African American Males - Janice Joseph Delivering Comprehensive Services to High-Risk African American Males - Mary Nakashian and Paula Klienman PART SIX: EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC SECURITY Career Counseling with African American Male College Students - Frederica Hendricks Employment for Young African American Males - Harry J Holzer Where the Jobs Are and What Employers Want Building Assets among African American Males - Michael Sherraden