Addressing Cultural Issues in Organizations


Beyond the Corporate Context

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Edited by Robert T. Carter
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228.00h x 152.00w

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Robert T. Carter, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology and Education, Chair of the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, and Director of training of the Counseling Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia university. Dr. Carter is known internationally for his work on Black and White racial identity. He has published in the areas of psychotherapy processes and outcome, career development, cultural values, racial identity issues, educational achievements and equality in education through the lens of racial identity. He has been retained to consult as organizational, legal and educational issues associated with race and diversity. Dr. Carter also is the Conference Director for a national conference known as the Teachers College Winter Roundtable on Cross-Cultural Psychology and Education Dr. Robert T. Carter, Ph.D. authored The Influence of Race and Racial Identity in Psychotherapy: Towards a Racially Inclusive Model (John Wiley & Sons; 1995); co-edited with Chalmer E. Thompson Racial Identity Theory: Applications for Individuals, Groups and Organizations (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997); co-authored with D. Sue, J.M.Casas, M.J. Fouad, A. Levy, M. Jensen, LaFromboise, J. Manese, J. Ponterotto, and J. Vasques-Natall Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Individual Professional and Organizational Development (Sage Publication, 1998); and is series editor for the Discussions from the Roundtable- The Counseling Psychologists and the Roundtable Book Series on Multicultural Psychology and Education (Sage publications). He is co-editor for the special issue of the Teachers College Record on Multicultural Education (Spring 2000). Dr. Carter is also a legal consultant. He works with organizations and individuals on such issues as organizational development , teacher training, desegregation, racial discrimination, cross cultural adoption, and biracial custody. He is Fellow in the American Psychological Association (Div. 17, Counseling Psychology, and 45, Society for the Study of Ethnic Minority Issues) and former Chair of the Fellowship Committee for Division 17. He has also served on the editorial boards of The Counseling Psychologist, Journal of Counseling and Development, Journal of Counseling Psychology and Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.

PART ONE: PERSPECTIVES Perspectives on Addressing Cultural Issues in Organizations - Robert T Carter National Culture and the New Corporate Language for Race Relations - Clayton P Alderfer 'Whiting Out' Social Justice - Michelle Fine Making Sense of Race Relations in Organizations - David Thomas and Karen L Proudford Theories for Practice School Contexts and Learning - Linda Darling-Hammond Organizational Influences on the Achievement of Color PART TWO: ORGANIZATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SETTINGS Families in Their Cultural and Multisystemic Contexts - Nancy Boyd-Franklin Teachers as Multi(Cultural) Agents in Schools - A Lin Goodwin Cultural Dynamics and Issues in Higher Education - Raechele L Pope and Corlisse D Thomas Mental Health - Barbara C Wallace The Influence of Culture on the Development of Theory and Practice The House of God - Vivian Ota Wang The Fallacy of Neutral Universalism in Medicine And Justice Is Blind (to Race and Ethnicity) - Curtis W Branch Is That Good? PART THREE: INTERVENTIONS AND APPLICATIONS FOR TRAINING Classic Defenses - Samuel D Johnson A Critical Assessment of Ambivalence and Denial in Organizational Leader's Responses to Diversity Enhancing Diversity Climate in Community Organizations - Roderick J Watts and Arthur Evans Social Diversity in Social Change Organizations - Evangelina Holvino Standpoint Learnings for Organizational Consulting Building Institutional Capacity to Address Cultural Differences - Thomas Gallagher Cultural Issues in Organizations - Robert T Carter and Leah M DeSole Summary and Conclusions

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