Single and Multiple Cultures in International Cross-Cultural Management Research - Sonja A Sackman et al An Overview PART ONE: CULTURE WITH A FOCUS ON THE NATIONAL LEVEL Discursive Contradiction of Tradition and Modernity in Korean Management Practices - Seungkwon Jang and Myung-Ho Chung A Case of Samsung's New Management Eastern Europe Meets West - Tatjana Globokar An Empirical Study of French Management in a Slovenian Plant A Perceptual Study of Turkish Managers' and Organizations' Characteristics - Yasemin Arbak et al Contrasts and Contradictions PART TWO: CULTURE WITH A FOCUS ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL West Coast Camelot - Terry Schumacher The Rise and Fall of an Organizational Culture Cultural Contrasts in a Democratic Non-Profit Organization - Thomas Samuel Eberle The Case of a Swiss Reading Society Telling Tales - Sierk Ybema Contrasts and Commonalities within the Organization of an Amusement Park Inside Hewlett-Packard - Patrick McGovern and Veronica Hope-Hailey Corporate Culture and Bureaucratic Control PART THREE: CULTURE WITH A FOCUS ON THE SUB-ORGANIZATION LEVEL National Culture and Gender Diversity within One of the Universal Swiss Banks - Katrina Burrus An Experiential Description of a Professional Woman Officer and President of the Women Managers' Association Managerial Control Strategies and Sub-Cultural Processes - Diana Rosemary Sharpe On the Shop Floor in a Japanese Manufacturing Organization in the UK Discontinuous Technological Change as a Trigger for Temporary Reconciliation of Managerial Subcultures - Juha Laurila A Case Study of a Finnish Paper Industry Company Organizational Factors Influencing Homogeneity and Heterogeneity of Organizational Cultures - Bas A Koene, Christopher Boone and Joseph L Soeters PART FOUR: ETHNICITY CROSS-CUTTING ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES Ethnic Diversity in Organizations - Sjiera de Vries A Dutch Experience The Strategic Utilization of Ethnicity in Contemporary Organizations - Willem C J Koot PART FIVE: SOCIAL IDENTITY AS A CRITICAL CONCEPT IN DEALING WITH COMPLEX CULTURAL SETTINGS Cross-Cutting Identifications in Organizations - Helge Hernes Organizational Identity as a `Crowded Category` - Peter Dahler-Larsen A Case of Multiple and Quickly Shifting We-Typifications