Family Violence - Richard J Gelles Child Physical Abuse - Joel S Milner and Julie L Crouch Theory and Research Double Exposure - Brenda Jones Harden and Sally A Koblinsky Children Affected by Family and Community Violence Legal Perspectives on Family Violence Against Children - Theodore J Stein Preventing Child Maltreatment - Donna Harrington and Howard Dubowitz What Do We Know Now about Spouse Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse in Families of Color in the United States? - Jo-Ellen Asbury Physical and Sexual Violence in Marriage - Robert L Hampton, Pamela Jenkins and Maria Vandergriff-Avery Psychological Abuse in Marriage and Dating Relationships - Christopher M Murphy and Michele Cascardi Men who Batter - Larry W Bennett and Oliver J Williams Understanding Elder Abuse - Linner Ward Griffin Substance Abuse and Family Violence - H David Banks and Suzanne M Randolph The Prediction, Assessment, and Treatment of Family Violence - Gary M Blau and Dorian Long