The Rhetoric of Othering - Stephen Harold Riggins Political Discourse and Racism - Teun A van Dijk Describing Others in Western Parliaments 'Das Ausland' and Antisemitic Discourse - Ruth Wodak The Discursive Construction of the Other Who Are They? The Rhetoric of Institutional Policies towards the Indigenous Population of Post-Revolutionary Mexico - Teresa Carbo Discourses of Exclusion - Jane Helleiner and Bohdan Szuchewycz The Irish Press and the Travelling People Racial Intimidation - Philomena Essed Socio-Political Implications of the Usage of Racist Slurs The Historical Resilience of Primary Stereotypes - Karim H Karim Core Images of the Muslim Other Benetton Culture - Michael Hoechsmann Marketing Difference to the New Global Consumer Afrocentricity and Inclusive Curriculum - George J Sefa Dei Is There a Connection or a Contradiction? The Assimilation of the Other within a Master Discourse - William E Conklin Subverting Poor Me - Roxanne Rimstead Negative Constructions of Identity in Poor and Working-Class Women's Autobiographies