PART ONE: INTRODUCTION An Invitation to the Field - Scott Grills Fieldwork and the Pragmatists' Lesson PART TWO: PURSUING INTIMATE FAMILIARITY AND THE PROBLEM OF MEMBERSHIP Respecting the Human Condition - Robert Prus Pursuing Intersubjectivity in the Marketplace Doing Ethnographic Research in Jewish Orthodox Communities - William Shaffir The Neglected Role of Sociability The Ethnic Outsider - Robert A Stebbins The Hurdles of Anglophone Field Research on North American Francophones On Being Non-Partisan in Partisan Settings - Scott Grills Field Research among the Politically Committed PART THREE: ISSUES IN METHODOLOGICAL PRACTICE Navigating the Family Domain - Kerry Daly and Anna Dienhart Qualitative Field Dilemmas Experience, Methodological Observation and Theory - Dan Albas and Cheryl Albas A Blumerian Excursion Hanging Out with the Good 'Ole Boys, Gangsters and Other Disreputable Characters - Richard A Brymer Field Research, Quantitative Research and Exceptional Events PART FOUR: ETHICS, INTERVENTION AND EMOTIONALITY Organizational Ethics and Fieldwork Realities - Leslie Irvine Negotiating Ethical Boundaries in Codependents Anonymous Animal Passions - Clinton R Sanders The Emotional Experience of Doing Ethnography in Animal-Human Interaction Settings PART FIVE: ETHNOGRAPHIC TEXT AND ETHNOGRAPHIC VOICE Presenting Constructions of Identity and Divinity - Jenny Blain asatru and Oracular Seidhr Telling Tales, Writing Stories - Richard G Mitchell Jr and Kathy Charmaz Postmodernist Visions and Realist Images in Ethnographic Writing