Laura A. Reese is professor of political science and director of the Global Urban Studies Program at Michigan State University. Her research on economic development, public finance, civic culture and workplace harassment has been published in Regional Science and Urban Economics, Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Urban Affairs, American Review of Public Administration, Public Administration Review, Public Personnel Management, Review of Public Personnel Administration, and many other journals. She has written 10 books of which three, including Comparative Civic Culture, were published in 2012. She received her Ph.D. in political science from Wayne State University in 1985.
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The Challenge of Sexual Harassment Policy Implementation Methodology and the Challenges of Studying Sexual Harassment The City and the University The Contextual Background Policy Implementation and Definitions of Sexual Harassment Policy Implementation and Reporting Sexual Harassment Policy Implementation and Employee Perceptions of the Sexual Harassment Policy Process Policy Implementation and Gender Differences Putting It All Together Policy Implementation Models Recommendations for Sexual Harrassment Policy Implementation