A. Michael Huberman's long-term interests were in scientific epistemology and adult cognition and knowledge use. His work focused on education policy, school reform, and the practical translation of research knowledge into effective school practice. His first extensive project was a four-year study of an experimental elementary school's implementation of Piagetian theories into classroom practice.. Matthew B. Miles, a social psychologist, had a career-long interest in strategies for educational reform. His work focused on planned change in education, group and organizational studies, and the dissemination and implementation of research findings. His first major research project was a four-year study of six new, innovative public schools.
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Introduction Introduction I. THEORIES & ANALYSIS 1. Building Theories from Case Study Research - K. Eisenhardt 2. Understanding and Validity in Qualitative Research - J. Maxwell 3. Ethnography and Realism - M. Hammersly 4. Real Men Don't Collect Soft Data - S. Gherardi & B. Turner 5. The Fact of Fiction in Organizational Ethnography - J. Van Maanen II. METHODOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES 6. Intuitive Data Processing - D. Royce Sadler 7. Analytic Ethnography - J. Lofland 8. Increasing the Generalizability of Qualitative Research - J. W. Schofield 9. Judging the Quality of Case Study Reports - Y. S. Lincoln & E. Guba 10. Narrative Analysis - C. K. Riessman III. EMPIRICAL STUDIES 11. Empirical Phenomenological Analyses of Being Criminally Victimized - C. Fischer and F. Wertz 12. Qualitative Data Analysis for Applied Policy Research - J. Ritchie and L. Spencer 13. Bounding the Case Within Its Context - A. Wells, & et al. 14. Interpretive Interactionism - N. K. Denzin 15. Temporality and Identity Loss Due to Alzheimer's Disease - C. J. Orona 16. Reflections and Advice - M. B. Miles & A. M. Huberman