Introduction - M Carole Macklin and Les Carlson PART ONE: IN SEARCH OF WHAT CHILDREN KNOW AND THINK ABOUT ADVERTISING AND HOW ADVERTISING WORKS Through the Eyes of a Child - Deborah Roedder John Children's Knowledge and Understanding of Advertising Socialization and Adolescents' Skepticism toward Advertising - Tamara F Mangleburg and Terry Bristol Evaluating Impact of Affiliation Change on Children's TV Viewership and Percpetions of Network Branding - Robert Abelman and David Atkin Youth, Advertising and Symbolic Meaning - Cindy Dell Clark PART TWO: SOCIETAL IMPACT AND CONCERNS 'We'll Be Back in a Moment' - Alison Alexander et al A Content Analysis of Advertisements in Children's Television in the 1950s Mothers' Preferences for Regulating Children's Television - Ann D Walsh, Russell N Laczniak and Les Carlson A Comparison of Children's and Prime-Time Fine-Print Advertising Disclosure Practices - Darrel D Muehling and Richard H Kolbe The Beauty Myth and the Persuasiveness of Advertising - Mary C Martin, James W Gentry and Ronald Paul Hill A Look at Adolescent Girls and Boys Selling Food to Children - Bonnie B Reece, Nora J Rifon and Kimberly Rodriguez Is Fun Part of a Balanced Breakfast? PART THREE: ADVERTISING DIRECTED TO CHILDREN ABOUT CIGARETTES, SMOKING AND BEER How Do We Persuade Children Not to Smoke? - Laura Peracchio and David Luna Camels and Cowboys - Barbara J Phillips and Liza Stavchansky How Junior High Students View Cigarette Advertising Adolescents' Attention to Beer and Cigarette Print Ads and Associated Product Warnings - Richard J Fox et al PART FOUR: FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH Advertising to Children in the Twenty-First Century - Christine Wright-Isak New Questions within Familiar Themes The Future for Children and the Internet - Carole Walters Advertising's Effects - Marvin E Goldberg Juxtaposing Research with Older and Younger Youths The Context of Advertising and Children - Jeffrey J Stoltman Future Research Directions