PART ONE: RESEARCHER EXPERIENCES WITH VARIOUS POPULATIONS AND IN DIFFERENT SETTINGS Introduction - Susan Diemart Moch and Marie F Gates What About the Researcher Experience? Health the Researcher Experience in Health Care Research - Susan Diemart Moch Sensitive Issues in Life Story Research - Sheila K Smith The Researcher Experience in Health Care Reasearch With Families - Marie F Gates and Nancy R Lackey Qualitative Rearch Experience With Community Focus - Joyce Zerwekh Six Stories of Researcher Experience in Organizational Studies - Kimberly D Elsbach Personal and Professional Insights PART TWO: PROCESSING THE RESEARCHER EXPERIENCE Processing the Researcher Experience through Discussion - Susan Diemart Moch and Miriam E Cameron Processing Issues Related to Culture, Gender Orientation and Mentoring - Larry Simmons and Marie F Gates Qualitative Researchers Working in Teams - Marie F Gates and Pamela Hinds On Being Part of the Audience - Richard L Ochberg PART THREE: REPORTING THE RESEARCHER EXPERIENCE The Researcher Experience as Described in Published Reports - Susan Diemart Moch Suggestions for Reporting in Health Care Research - Susan Diemart Moch and Marie F Gates Lawyers, Lethal Weapons and Ethnography Authority - Jennifer L Pierce My Reflections on Fieldwork for Gender Trials The Place of the Personal and the Subjective in Religious Studies - Rita M Gross