Handbook for Child Protection Practice


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Edited by Howard Dubowitz, Diane E. DePanfilis
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PART ONE: REPORTING AND SCREENING How Do I Decide Whether to Accept a Report for a Child Protective Services Investigation? - Susan Wells What Criteria Are Most Critical to Determine the Urgency of the Child Protective Services Response? - Susan Wells What Is Neglect? - Howard Dubowitz What Is Physical Abuse? - Howard Dubowitz What Is Sexual Abuse? - Lucy Berliner What Is Psychological Maltreatment? - Marla R Brassard and Stuart Hart PART TWO: ENGAGEMENT How Do I Connect with Children at Different Developmental Levels? - Brenda Jones Harden How Do I Develop a Helping Alliance with the Family? - Diane DePanfilis What Principles and Approaches Can I Use to Engage Clients across Culture? - Veronica D Abney How Can I Use Authority Effectively and Engage Family Members? - Ronald H Rooney How Do I Manage Difficult Encounters with the Family? - Ronald Zuskin How Do I Respond to Feelings (Mine and My Client's)? - David Corwin PART THREE: INTERVIEWING How Do I Interview Young Children about Suspected Sexual Abuse? - Kee MacFarlane How Do I Interview Older Children and Adolescents about Sexual Abuse? - Lucy Berliner What Tools Are Appropriate to Facilitate Interviews with Children? - Barbara W Boat and Mark D Everson How Do I Interview a Child about Alleged Physical Abuse? - David J Kolko How Do I Interview Non-Maltreating Parents and Caregivers? - Denise Pintello How Do I Interview the Alleged Perpetrator? - Donna Pence What Kinds of Questions in My Initial Assessment Interviews Will Generate Solutions and Enhance Safety? - Insoo Kim Berg PART FOUR (a): INITIAL ASSESSMENT - GENERAL How Do I Differentiate Culturally Based Practices from Child Maltreatment? - Sherri Y Terao, Joaquium Borrego Jr and Anthony J Urquiza How Should Child Protective Services and Law Enforcement Coordinate the Initial Assessment and Investigation? - Charles Wilson and Donna Pence How Do I Screen Caregivers' Use and Abuse of and Dependence on Alcohol and Other Drugs and Its Effects on Parenting? - Ronald Rogers and Chandler Scott McMillin How Do I Screen Caregivers if I Suspect that They May Be Dangerous to Themselves or Their Children? - David Corwin How Do I Decide Whether to Substantiate the Report? - Brett Drake PART FOUR (b): INITIAL ASSESSMENT - NEGLECT How Do I Determine if a Child Has Been Neglected? - Diane DePanfilis How Do I Determine if it is Medical Neglect? - Howard Dubowitz How Do I Determine Whether a Child's Nutritional Needs Are Not Being Met? - Howard Dubowitz What Is Inadequate Supervision? - Diane DePanfilis How Do I Assess Neglect among At-Risk Adolescents? - Margarete Parrish PART FOUR (c): INITIAL ASSESSMENT - PHYSICAL ABUSE How Do I Determine Whether a Child Has Been Physically Abused? - Howard Dubowitz What Medical Evaluation Is Needed When Physical Abuse Is Suspected? - Howard Dubowitz How Do I Interpret Medical Tests for Physical Abuse? - John M Leventhal What Conditions May Be Mistaken for Physical Abuse? - Charles F Johnson What Are the Tell-Tale Differences between Abusive and Non-Inflicted Injuries? - Charles F Johnson What Is Shaken Baby Syndrome? - John M Leventhal How Do I Assess Possible Histories of Physical Abuse Among Assaultive Adolescents? - Margarete Parrish PART FOUR (d): INITIAL ASSESSMENT - SEXUAL ABUSE How Do I Determine if a Child Has Been Sexually Abused? - Joyce A Adams What Developmental Factors Should Be Considered in Interpreting a Child's Disclosure of Sexual Abuse? - Nancy Davis How Should I Interpret Sexualized Behavior in Children? - Esther Deblinger The Medical Evaluation for Possible Child Sexual Abuse - Robert A Shapiro When Is It Needed, Who Should Do It, How Should One Prepare for It, and What Will Be Done? How Do I Interpret Laboratory Results for Sexually Transmitted Diseases? - Robert A Shapiro How do I interpret Results of a Child Sexual Abuse Examination? What Conditions May Be Mistaken for Sexual Abuse? - Robert A Shapiro How Do I Evaluate Suspected Sexual Abuse in the Adolescent Female? - Joyce A Adams When Does Sexual Play Suggest a Problem? - Barbara L Bonner PART FOUR (e): INITIAL ASSESSMENT - PSYCHOLOGICAL MALTREATMENT How Do I Determine Whether a Child Has Been Psychologically Maltreated? - Marla R Brassard and Stuart Hart Under What Circumstances Is a Child Who Witnesses Violence Experiencing Psychological Maltreatment? - Ronald Zuskin PART FOUR (f): INITIAL ASSESSMENT - RISK ASSESSMENT AND SAFETY EVALUATION How Do I Assess Risk and Safety? - Wayne Holder How Do I Consider Cultural Factors When Assessing Risk and Safety? - Sheryl Brissett-Chapman How Do I Assure a Maltreated Child's Safety in the Home? - Wayne Holder How Do I Protect Children When There Is a History of Domestic Violence in the Family? - Ronald Zuskin How Do I Protect Children When Caregivers Have Chemical-Dependency Problems? - Ronald Rogers and Chandler Scott McMillin How Do I Protect Children from Hazardous Home Conditions and Other Poverty-Related Conditions? - John R Lutzker When Do Family Preservation Services Make Sense, and When Should Other Permanency Plans Be Explored? - Kristine Nelson How Do I Decide Whether to Remove the Offender or to Remove the Child? - Barbara L Bonner How Do I Assess Risk of Maltreatment in Foster Care and Kinship Care? - Wayne Holder PART FIVE (a): FAMILY ASSESSMENT - EMPHASIS ON THE CHILD How Do I Assess Child and Youth Behavior? - Becky Frink Sherman and E Wayne Holden How Do I Assess Child and Youth Development? - Becky Frink Sherman and E Wayne Holden How Do I Assess Child and Youth Emotional State? - Becky Frink Sherman and E Wayne Holden How Do I Recognize and Assess Common or Important Mental Health Problems in Children? - David J Kolko What Preventive Pediatric and Dental Care Should Children and Youth Receive? - Charles I Shubin How Do I Assess a Child's Health Status? - Howard Dubowitz How Should I Assess a Child's Social Support System? - Ross A Thompson How Do I Assess a Child's Behavior Related to Separation and Visitation? - Caroline L Burry PART FIVE (b): FAMILY ASSESSMENT - EMPHASIS ON PARENTS/CAREGIVERS How Do I Assess a Caregiver's Personal History and Its Meaning for Practice? - John Curtis McMillen How Do I Assess a Caregiver's Parenting Attitudes, Knowledge and Level of Functioning? - Sandra T Azar and Champika K Soysa How Do I Assess the Care of Children with Major Medical Problems? - Prasanna Nair How Do I Assess the Caregiver's Strengths and Treatment Needs? - Marsha K Salus How Do I Assess a Caregiver's Motivation and Readiness to Change? - Diane DePanfilis What Do I Need to Know about Care Needs and Parenting Capacity in Caregivers with HIV or AIDS? - Prasanna Nair PART FIVE: FAMILY ASSESSMENT - EMPHASIS ON FAMILIES How Do I Assess the Strengths in Families? - Diane DePanfilis How Do I Conduct an Ethnographic Interview to Learn about the Family's Culture? - Julia Rauch How Do I Assess Family Functioning? - Vanessa G Hodges How Do I Assess a Parent-Child Relationship? - Maureen M Black How Do I Assess the Treatment Needs of Children Affected by Domestic Violence? - Ronald Zuskin How Do I Assess the Likelihood of an Intervention Succeeding? - Vanessa G Hodges PART SIX: SERVICE PLANNING How Do I Match Risks to Client Outcomes? - Diane DePanfilis What Outcomes Are Relevant for Intervention? - Mark Courtney What Is Strengths-Based Service Planning? - Vanessa G Hodges and Peter J Pecora How Do I Develop Measurable Goals and Objectives That Match Client Intervention Outcomes? - Peter J Pecora What Is Concurrent Placement Planning and How Do I Do It? - Caroline L Burry How Do I Use Family Meetings to Develop Optimal Service Plans? - Lisa Merkel-Holguin How Do I Involve Fathers? - Geoffrey Greif How Do I Develop a Collaborative Intervention Plan with the Kinship Network? - Maria Scannapieco What Do I Need to Know to Plan Effectively across Child Welfare Programs? - Richard L Norman PART SEVEN (a): INTERVENTION - EMPHASIS ON THE CHILD What Types of Mental Health Treatment Should Be Considered for Maltreated Children? - Mark Chaffin What Are Effective Strategies to Address Common Behavior Problems? - Barbara L Bonner How Do I Help Children Adjust to Out-of-Home Care Placement? - Brenda Jones Harden How Do I Help Children Maintain Their Cultural Identity When They Are Placed in Out-of-Home Care? - Sheryl Brissett-Chapman What Kinds of Pediatric Care Should Abused and Neglected Children Receive? - John M Leventhal PART SEVEN (b): INTERVENTION - EMPHASIS ON THE PARENT OR CAREGIVER How Can Parenting Be Enhanced? - Sandra T Azar and Monica H Ferraro What Interventions Are Available for Nonabusive Parents? - Mark Chaffin How Can I Help Parents and Caregivers Develop Social Skills and Make Positive Connections to the Community? - Ross A Thompson What Treatment Is Recommended for Sexual Abuse Perpetrators? - Melissa McDermott What Treatment Is Recommended to Address Physically Abusive Behaviors? - David J Kolko What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Depression? - David Corwin What Interventions Are Most Effective in Addressing Domestic Violence? - Ronald Zuskin What Are the Treatment Options for Parents with Alcohol or Other Drug Problems? - Ronald Rogers and Chandler Scott McMillin PART SEVEN (c): INTERVENTION - EMPHASIS ON THE FAMILY What Do I Need to Know about Family Therapy? - Geoffrey Greif How Can I Support Biological Families after a Child Has Been Removed from Their Care? - Anthony N Maluccio, Robin Marsh and Barbara A Pine How Do I Facilitate Visits between Foster Children and Their Biological Families That Support the Goals and Objectives of Intervention? - Caroline L Burry How Do I Build Families' Financial Management Skills? - Richard Bolan How Can I Best Manage the Intervention Process When Multiple Service Providers Are Involved? - Charles Wilson What Is 'Family to Family' and How Does It Support Permanency for Children? - Lorelei Schaffhausen Foster and Kinship Caregivers - Maria Scannapieco What Are Their Support and Intervention Needs? What Are the Unique Roles of Religious Institutions in Supporting and Strengthening Families? - Lorine L Cummings PART EIGHT: EVALUATION AND CLOSURE How Do We Measure Risk Reduction? - Dee Wilson When Is Termination of Parental Rights and Adoption the Best Permanency Option? - Thomas D Morton When Can a Child Be Safely Reunited with His or Her Family? - Thomas D Morton Preparing Youth for Independent Living - Maria Scannapieco What Are the Best Methods for Reaching Self-Sufficiency? How Do I Prepare Families for Case Closure? - Esta Glazer-Semmel PART NINE: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES What Rights Do My Clients Have to Information in Their Case Records? - Dennis Ichikawa How Do I Avoid Being Sued? - Rebecca J Roe What Is the Role of the Caseworker in Juvenile Court? - Linda Spears How Do I Feel Comfortable Testifying in Court? - Paul Stern How Do I Help Children Be Comfortable in the Legal System and Improve Their Competency as Witnesses? - Julie Lipovsky Why Is Communicating with Lawyers so Important and so Difficult? - John E B Myers How Do I Work Effectively with Guardians Ad litem , Court-Appointed Special Advocates and Citizen of Professional Case Review Panels? - Howard A Davidson PART TEN: CHILD PROTECTION PRACTICE - SPECIAL ISSUES FOR THE PRACTITIONER What Are the Core Competencies for Practitioners in Child Welfare Agencies? - Joan Levy Zlotnik How Do I Protect My Personal Safety in the Community? - Caroline L Burry How Do I Prevent Burnout? - Richard L Norman How Can Critical Thinking Contribute to Informed Decisions? - Eileen Gambrill What Can I Do to Cope with the Death or Serious Injury of a Child on My Caseload? - Norma Harris How Do I Balance Common Sense, Personal Values and Agency Constraints? - Joan R Rycraft How Do I Use the Case Record to Guide Intervention and Provide Accountability? - Diane DePanfilis

"The timing of the publication with the revised Working Together guidelines could not be more advantageous. This book is a unique and important contribution to child care literature. No agency should be without." * Child Abuse Review *

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