Lawfulness in Individual Development - Robert B Cairns, Jerome Kagan and Lars R Bergman Through Categories towards Individuals - Robert A Hinde Attempting To Tease Apart the Data The Logic and Implications of a Person-Oriented Approach - David Magnusson The Value of Extreme Groups - Jerome Kagan, Nancy Snidman and Doreen Arcus A Pattern-Orientated Approach to Studying Individual Development - Lars R Bergman Snapshots and Processes The Individual in Context - Joan Stevenson-Hinde The Typological Approach to Studying Personality - Richard W Robins, Oliver P John and Avshalom Caspi Levels of Longitudinal Data Differing in Complexity and the Study of Continuity in Personality Characteristics - Lea Pulkkinen A Prospective Replication of Developmental Pathways in Disruptive and Delinquent Behavior - Rolf Loeber et al Retrospective Recall Recalled - Sir Michael Rutter et al Phenomena Regained - Robert B Cairns and Philip C Rodkin From Configurations to Pathways
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"This is a path-breaking volume with which every serious student and investigator of human development needs to be familiar." -- Urie Bronfenbrenner