INTRODUCTION Imagined Cities, Engaged Citizens - S Body-Gendrot and R A Beauregard PART ONE: DILEMMAS OF REPRESENTATION Invitation to a Postmodern Urbanism - S Flusty and M Dear Crossing Cybersities - M C Boyer Urban Regions and the Cyberspace Matrix The Post-City Challenge - T Paquot PART TWO: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES Whose City Is It? - S Sassen Globalization and the Formation of New Claims Transnationalism and the City - M P Smith The Urban World Through A South African Prism - A Mabin PART THREE: CIVIC ENGAGEMENT A City For Whom? - G Martinotti Transients and Public Life in the Second Generation Metropolis Which New Urbanism? - N Smith New York City and the Revanchist 1990s Urban Movements and Urban Theory in the Late 20th-Century City - M Mayer PART FOUR: PRESCRIPTIVE VISIONS (Promised) Scenes of Urbanity - C Ruby Can We Make the Cities We Want? - S S Fainstein The Spaces of Democracy - R Sennett