Talking about Organization Science


Debates and Dialogue From Crossroads

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By Peter J. Frost, Richard L. Daft, Arie Y. Lewin
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PART ONE: DEBATES IN ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Collaboration or Paradigm Shift? - Paul M Hirsch, Ray Friedman and Mitchell P Koza Caveat Emptor and the Risk of Romance with Economic Models for Strategy and Policy Research The Myth of a Monolithic Economics - William S Hesterly and Todd Zenger Fundamental Assumptions and the Use of Economic Models in Policy and Strategy Research Barriers to the Advance of Organization Science - Jeffrey Pfeffer Paradigm Development as a Dependent Variable Style as Theory - John Van Maanen Mortality Reproducibility and the Persistence of Styles of Theory - Jeffrey Pfeffer Fear and Loathing in Organization Studies - John Van Maanen PART TWO: DISCOURSES ABOUT ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Two Dimensions - Gibson Burrell and Gareth Morgan Four Paradigms Describing Differences in Approaches to Organization Science - Stanley Deetz Rethinking Burrell and Morgan and Their Legacy From Quicksand to Crossroads - Walter R Nord and Ann F Connell An Agnostic Perspective on Conversation Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable - James March and Robert Sutton Writing Organizational Tales - Dvora Yanow et al Four Authors and Their Stories about Culture Critical Issues in Organization Science - John M Jermier and Stewart R Clegg A Dialogue (Part One) PART THREE: DIALOGUES AND DIRECTIONS Tempered Radicalism and the Politics of Ambivalence and Change - Debra Meyerson and Maureen Scully The Virtues of Closet Qualitative Research - Robert I Sutton Critical Issues in Organization Science - John M Jermier and Stewart R Clegg A Dialogue (Part Two) "Soul Work" in Organizations - Philip H Mirvis Bridging Academia and Business A Conversation with Steve Kerr PART FOUR: CONCLUSION

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