Introduction - Jean-Paul Brodeur PART ONE: POLICING AND EVALUATION RESEARCH OVERVIEW The Changing Role of the Police - Dennis P Rosenbaum Assessing the Current Transition to Community Policing Tailor-Made Policing - Jean-Paul Brodeur A Conceptual Investigation PART TWO: ISSUES IN PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Process or Product? Problems of Assessing Individual Police Performance - Robert Reiner Evaluating Service Delivery of Police Agencies - Jerome E McElroy Suggestions for Focus and Strategy Community Participation and Community Policing - Wesley G Skogan Police and Public Involvement in the Delivery of Community Policing - Trevor Bennett Evaluating Satisfaction - Vincent F Sacco PART THREE: ISSUES IN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Evaluating Planned Change Strategies in Modern Law Enforcement - Jack R Greene Implementing Community-Based Policing Community Policing and Police Organization Structure - Stephen D Mastrofski PART FOUR: PERSPECTIVES AND CONCLUSIONS Late Modernity, Governance and Policing - Les Johnston The Assessment of Police Performance - Jean-Paul Brodeur Conclusions