Professor Denise Rousseau studies the changing psychological contract in employment, human resource strategies, and the effects of organizational culture on performance. Her books include: Psychological Contracts in Employment (Sage, with Rene Schalk); Relational Wealth: The Advantage of Stability in a Changing Economy (Oxford, with Carrie Leana); Psychological Contracts in Organizations (Sage); Boundaryless Careers: Work, Mobility, and Learning in the New Organizational Era (Oxford, with M. Arthur); Developing an Interdisciplinary Science of Organizations (Jossey-Bass, with K. Roberts and C. Hulin); and Trends in Organizational Behavior (Wiley series, with C. Cooper). She is also the author of more than 100 articles. Professor Rousseau served as President, Academy of Management (2004-2005), and is Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Organizational Behavior (1998 - present). Psychological Contracts in Organizations, won the Academy of Management's Terry Award.
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Introduction - Denise M Rousseau and Rene Schalk Psychological Contracts in Australia - Boris Kabanoff, Nerina L Jimmieson and Malcolm J Lewis A `Fair Go' or a `Not-so-Happy Transition'? Belgium - Luc Sels et al A Culture of Compromise Does Psychological Contract Theory Work in France? - Lo[um]ic Cadin Psychological and Normative Contracts of Work Group Members in the United States and Hong Kong - Cynthia Lee, Catherine H Tinsley and Zhen Xiong Chen India - Snehal Shah Caste, Commitments and Change Psychological Contracts in Israel - Moshe Krausz A Break with Tradition - Motohiro Morishima Negotiating New Psychological Contracts in Japan Psychological Contracts in Mexico - Hector R Diaz-Saenz and Patricia D Witherspoon Historical, Familial and Contemporary Forces on Work Relationships Psychological Contracts in The Netherlands - Charissa Freese and Rene Schalk Dualism, Flexibility and Security Economic Deregulation and Psychological Contracts - Simon Peel and Kerr Inkson The New Zealand Experience Psychological Contracts in Singapore - Soon Ang, Mei Ling Tan and Kok Yee Ng The Psychological Contract in the United Kingdom - Lynne Millward and Peter Herriot Psychological Contracts in the United States - Denise M Rousseau Diversity, Individualism and Associability in the Marketplace Learning from Cross-National Perspectives on Psychological Contracts - Denise M Rousseau and Rene Schalk
"This book is valuable not only to anyone interested in the theory of psychological employment contracts, but also for anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the work contexts and cultures of various countries." -- Lise M. Saari