Child Neglect - James Garbarino and Cyleste C Collins The Family with a Hole in the Middle Child Neglect - Susan J Zuravin A Review of Definitions and Measurement Research Child Neglect - Patricia McKinsey Crittenden Causes and Contributors Cultural Competence and Child Neglect - Jill E Korbin and James C Spilsbury Child Neglect - James M Gaudin Jr Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes Neglect of Children's Health Care - Howard Dubowitz Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Use and Risk for Child Maltreatment - Ira J Chasnoff and Lee Ann Lowder A Timely Approach to Intervention Fatal Child Neglect - Barbara L Bonner, Sheila M Crow and Mary Beth Logue The Prevention of Child Neglect - Wayne Holden and Laura Nabors Evaluation and Risk Assessment of Child Neglect in Public Child Protection Services - Diana J English Intervening with Families when Children are Neglected - Diana DePanfilis Are Battered Women Bad Mothers? Rethinking the Termination of Abused Women's Parental Rights for Failure to Protect - Thomas D Lyon Child Neglect - Maureen M Black and Howard Dubowitz Research Recommendations and Future Directions Policy Issues in Child Neglect - Richard J Gelles