Evert Gummesson is Professor Emeritus of Service Marketing and Management at the Stockholm Business School, and is its former Research Director. He graduated at the Stockholm School of Economics, has a Ph.D. from Stockholm University and is a Fellow and Honorary Doctor of Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, and a Fellow of the University of Tampere, Finland. He is a frequent speaker at conferences, companies, executive education programs, and universities throughout the world.
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Qualitative Research in Management Achieving Access to Management Reality Taking Off and Landing The Route from Preunderstanding to Understanding Case Study Research Quality of Academic Research and Management Consultancy A Management Action Science Paradigm
"Evert Gummesson's piercing relevance on the major issues of management problems and how to tackle them with qualitative research is astounding and leads to great understanding." -- Barney G. Glaser "This book is a welcome contribution to the theory of science and methodology. . . The use of examples from the author's own experiences are particularly helpful." -- Richard Teare * Service Industries Journal * "Evert Gummesson has made a most worthwhile contribution to management research. His views, which draw hundreds of references from many expertise areas, deserve attention and debate." -- Edward Toomer and Ken Bowen * Journal of Operational Research *