Professor, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine (Secondary appointment in Dept. of Psychology) PhD, Queens University Clinical Program, Clinical/Developmental Program Research Interests: Juvenile antisocial behavior and delinquency, substance use, mental health problems
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Foreword - Rolf Loeber and David P Farrington Preface 1 - James Q Wilson Preface 2 - Lloyd E Ohlin Major Aims of the Book - David P Farrington and Rolf Loeber PART 1: DEVELOPMENTAL COURSE AND RISK FACTORS Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders - Rolf Loeber, David P Farrington and Daviel A Waschbusch Race and Ethnicity and Serious Juvenil Offenders - Darnell Hawkins, John H Laub and Janet Lauritsen The Contemporaneous Co-Occurrence of Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending and Other Problems - David Huizinga and Cynthia Jakob-Chien Development of Serious and Violent Offending Careers - Patrick H Tolan and Deborah Gorman-Smith Predictors of Violent or Serious Delinquency in Adolescence and Early Adulthood - Mark W Lipsey and James H Derzon A Synthesis of Longitudinal Research A Review of Predictors of Youth Violence - J David Hawkins et al Membership in Youth Gangs and Involvement in Serious and Violent Offenders - Terence P Thornberry Screening of Serious/Violent Juvenile Offenders - Marc Le Blanc Identification, Classification and Prediction PART TWO: PREVENTIVE INTERVENTIONS AND GRADUATED SANCTIONS The Prevention of Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending - Gail A Wasserman and Laurie S Miller Comprehensive Community and School-Based Interventions to Prevent Antisocial Behavior - Richard F Catalano et al Promising Programs for Youth Gang Violence Prevention and Intervention - James C Howell Effective Intervention for Serious Juvenile Offenders - Mark W Lipsey and David B Wilson The Impact of the Juvenile Justice System and Prospects for Graduated Sanctions in a Comprehensive Strategy - Barry Krisberg and James C Howell Intermediate Sanctions and Community Treatment of Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders - David M Altschuler PART THREE: CONCLUDING OVERVIEW Serious Violent Juvenile Offenders - Nancy G Guerra Gaps in Knowledge and Research Priorities Conclusions and the Way Forward - Rolf Loeber and David P Farrington