The goals of my research programs are to improve the quality of individual well-being, and to build a healthy workplace and society that enhance the safety and health of workers and their families. A healthy workplace or a healthy society is one in which all constituents are able to exercise their talents and gifts to achieve high performance as well as maintain psychological and physical well-being. In order to understand how to effectively build a healthy society and a healthy organization, I have taken an interdisciplinary approach over years to explore the ways of maximizing organizational as well as societal productivity, and optimizing individual potentials to pursue healthier, more secure, and safer lives. My past field and military experience have convinced me that there will be much more efficient options available if one is open to different approaches and ideas, and utilize their strengths to solve problems.
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Ch 1. Introduction Characteristics of a Relationship Correlation and Causation Correlation and Causation Correlation and Correlational Methods Choice of Correlation Indexes Ch 2. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Interpretation of Pearson r Assumptions of Pearson r in Inferential Statistics Sampling Distributions of the Pearson r Properties of the Sampling Distribution of the Pearson Null Hypothesis Tests of r = 0 Null Hypothesis Tests of r = ro Confidence Intervals of r Null Hypothesis Test of r1 = r2 Null Hypothesis Test for the Difference Among More Than Two Independent r's Null Hypothesis Test for the Difference Between Two Dependent Correlations Chapter 3: Special Cases of The Pearson r Point-Biserial Correlation, rpb Phi Coefficient, f Spearman Rank-Order Correlation, rrank True vs. Artificially Converted Scores Biserial Coefficient, Tetrachoric Coefficient, Eta Coefficient, Other Special Cases of the Pearson r Chapter 4: Applications of the Pearson r Application I: Effect Size Application II: Power Analysis Application III: Meta-Analysis Application IV: Utility Analysis Application V: Reliability Estimates Application VI: Validation Chapter 5: Factors Affecting the Size and Interpretation of the Pearson r Shapes of Distributions Sample Size Outliers Restriction of Range Nonlinearity Aggregate Samples Ecological Inference Measurement Error Third Variables Chapter 6: Other Useful Nonparametric Correlations C and Cramer's V Coefficients Kendall's t Coefficient Kendall's tb and Stuart's tc Coefficients Goodman-Kruskal's g Coefficient Kendall's Partial Rank-Order Correlation, References Lists of Tables Lists of Figures List of Appendixes About the Authors