Mary Jane Collier (Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1982) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Human Communication Studies, School of Communication, at the University of Denver. Her research interests focus on such cultural identities and discourses across multiple contexts. Her work appears in such journals as: Communication Monographs, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Communication Quarterly, and Howard Journal of Communication, and in various scholarly books and texts.
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Constituting Cultural Difference Through Discourse - Mary Jane Collier Current Research Themes of Politics, Perspectives, and Problematics Challenging the Myth of Assimilation - Lisa A Flores A Chicana Feminist Response Enacting "Puerto Rican Time" in the United States - Trudy Milburn When Rhetorical Theory and Practice Encounter Postcolonialism - Marouf Hasian Jr Rethinking the Meaning of Farrakhan and the Million Man March Address Negotiating Societal Stereotypes - Mark P Orbe, Kiesha T Warren and Nancy C Cornwell Analyzing The Real World Discourse by and about African American Men Media and Colonialism - Raka Shome Race, Rape, and "Englishness" in The Jewel in the Crown Similar or Different? - Yoko Nadamitsu, Ling Chen and Gustav Friedrich The Chinese Experience of Japanese Culture Exploring the Communication/Culture Connection - Yumiko Yokochi and Bradford 'J' Hall A Comparison of Japanese and American Discourse Interclass Travel, Cultural Adaptation, and "Passing" as a Disjunctive Inter/Cultural Practice - Dreama Moon Discursive Construction of Differences - Jolanta A Drzewiecka Ethnic Immigrant Identities and Distinction A Face-Driven Account of Identity Exchanges in Israeli-Palestinian "Dialogue" Events - Yael-Janette Zupnik "In the Beginning..." - Rivka Ribak Israeli Jews and Arabs Construct Intifadas and Selves