Paul E. Spector is a distinguished professor of industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology and I/O doctoral program director at the University of South Florida. He is also director of the NIOSH funded Sunshine Education and Research Center's Occupational Health Psychology doctoral program. He is the Associate Editor for Point/Counterpoint for Journal of Organizational Behavior, Associate Editor for Work & Stress, and is on the editorial boards of Journal of Applied Psychology and Human Resources Management Review. He has research interests in both content and research methodology. His content research concerns occupational health and safety, including injuries, stress and workplace violence. His methodology interests involve the connections among measurement, statistics, and inference. He has published four books with SAGE: Job Satisfaction: Applications, Assessment, Causes and Consequences, Research Designs, SAS 8 Programming for Researchers and Social Scientists, and Summated Rating Scale Construction.
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Introduction to the SAS System Inputting and Outputting Data Programming Algebraic and Mathematical Observations Logical Statements Branching with GOTO and LINK Do Loops Arrays Manipulating Files Using SAS PROCS Final Advice on Becoming an SAS Programmer
"Just what the novice SAS programmer needs, particularly those who have no real programming experience. For example, branching is one of the more difficult programming commands for students to implement and the author does an excellent job of explaining this topic clearly and at a basic level. A big plus is the Common Errors section since students will definitely encounter errors." -- Robert Pavur "Spector has done an excellent job in explaining a somewhat difficult topic in a clear and concise manner. I like the fact that screen captures are included. It allows students to better follow what is being described in the book in relation to what is on the screen." -- Philip Craiger