Richard M. Lerner is the Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science and the Director of the Applied Developmental Science Institute in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development at Tufts University. A developmental psychologist, Lerner received a Ph.D. in 1971 from the City University of New York. He has been a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Psychological Association, and American Psychological Society. Prior to joining Tufts University, he held administrative posts at Michigan State University, Pennsylvania State University, and Boston College, where he was the Anita L. Brennan Professor of Education and the Director of the Center for Child, Family, and Community Partnerships. In 1994-95, he held the Tyner Eminent Scholar Chair in the Human Sciences at Florida State University. He is author or editor of 55 books and more than 360 scholarly articles and chapters. He edited Volume 1 (Theoretical Models of Human Development) for the fifth edition of the Handbook of Child Psychology. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Research on Adolescence and Applied Developmental Science. He is known for his theory of, and research about, relations between life-span human development and contextual or ecological change. Lerner has done foundational studies of adolescents' relations with their peer, family, school, and community contexts and is a leader in the study of public policies and community-based programs aimed at the promotion of positive youth development. With Sage, he authored America's Youth in Crisis: Challenges and Options for Programs and Policies (1995), co-edited the four-volume Handbook of Applied Developmental Science, and is co-editing the two-volume Encyclopedia of Applied Developmental Science. Francine Jacobs, Ed.D., is Associate Professor at Tufts University, with a joint appointment in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development and the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, of which she is currently Chairperson. Her research and teaching interests are primarily in the area of child and family policy--child welfare and protection, child care and early childhood education, family support, and community-based initiatives--and in program evaluation. During her time at Tufts, she ahs been the principal investigator for numerous grants, with projects ranging from coordinating an early childhood community planning process in Boston to developing an evaluation process for state family preservation programs. Her current project is a multiyear evaluation of a universal home visiting program for teen mothers, Health Families Massachusetts. In addition to her teaching and research, she serves on several advisory committees for child and family service organizations and research studiesand was recently appointed to the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Family and Work Policies. She graduate from Brandeis University and received her master's and doctoral degrees from Harvard University. Pior to joining the Tufts faculty in 1986, she directed two early childhood programs and was the associate director and director of research at the Harvard Family Research Project. She also maintained an active program evaluation practice, consulting for numerous organizations on the planning and conduct of evaluation activities. She has lectured and written extensively about program evaluation and about child and family policy. Her two coedited volumes, "Evaluating Family Program" and "More Than Kissing Babies: Current Child and Family Policy in the United States," focus on these areas. Donald Wertlieb, Ph.D., is Director of the Tufts University Center for Children and Professor and former Chairman of the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development. He is an applied developmental scientist with a background in clinical-developmental and pediatric psychology. His major research interests are understanding the complex processes by which children and families cope with stressors such as marital separation and divorce and chronic illness. In addition to his basic research, he conducts program evaluations of community partnerships and other collaborations. He was recently funded by the National Cancer Institute to develop a multimedia interactive health education curriculum aimed at preventing drug, alcohol, and nicotine abuse by young people. He served on the steering group of the National Forum on the Future of Children and Families and was president of the Society of Pediatric Psychology (1996-1999), a professional membership organization of about 1,000 scholars and practitioners committed to the improvement of health care research and services for children and families. He has been interim chairman of the Department of Education at Tufts and a lecturer in the Department of Social Medicine and Health Policy at Harvard Medical School.

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Volume 1: APPLYING DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE FOR YOUTH AND FAMILIES; HISTORICAL AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS Preface Foreword - Edward Zigler (Yale University) 1. Historical and theoretical bases of applied developmental science - Richard M. Lerner; Donald Wertlieb; Francine Jacobs (Tufts University) I. Dimensions of Individual Diversity 2. Neural development and lifelong plasticity - Charles A. Nelson (University of Minnesota) 3. Process of risk and resilience during adolescence: Stress, coping, and stress reactivity - Bruce E. Compas (University of Vermont); Kathryn E. Grant (DePaul University) 4. The origins and ends of giftedness - Ellen Winner (Boston College) 5. Gender and sexual identity - Lisa M. Diamond (University of Utah); Ritch C. Savin-Williams (Cornell University) 6. Identity, self, and peers in context: a culturally sensitive, developmental framework for analysis - Margaret Beale Spencer; Vinay Harpalani; Suzanne Fegley; Tabitha Dell' Angelo; Gregory Seaton (University of Pennsylvania) 7. Racial identity and racial socialization as aspects of adolescents' identity development - Janet E. Helms (Boston College) 8. Rediscovering the importance of religion in adolescent development - Michael Kerestes; James E. Youniss (Catholic University) II. Features of Family Diversity 9. Positive parenting and positive development in children - Marc H. Bornstein (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) 10. Promoting child adjustment by fostering positive paternal involvement - Michael Lamb; Susan S. Chuang; Natasha Cabrera (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) 11. Ethnotheories of parenting: At the interface between culture and child development - Jayanthi Mistry; Jana Chaudhuri; Virginia Diez (Tufts University) 12. The development of young children with disabilities and their families: Implications for policies and programs - Penny Hauser-Cram and Angela Howell (Boston College) 13. Children, families, and work: Research findings and implications for policies and programs - Jacqueline V. Lerner (Boston College); Domini R. Castellino (Duke University); Erica Lolli and Samuel Wan (Boston College) 14. Families and ethnicity - Harriette P. McAdoo; Alan Martin (Michigan State University) 15. Family functioning and child development: The case of divorce - Paul R. Amato (Pennsylvania State University) 16. Public investments in child care quality: Needs, challenges, and opportunities - Kathryn Tout; Martha Zaslow (Child Trends) III. Emerging Models for the Promotion of Positive Youth and Family Development 17. Developmental strengths and their sources: implications for the study and practice of community-building - Peter L. Benson; Peter C. Scales; Marc Mannes (Search Institute) 18. Bringing in a new era in the field of youth development - William Damon (Stanford University); Anne Gregory (University of California-Berkeley) 19. Strategic frame analysis and youth development: How communications research engages the public - Franklin Gilliam (UCLA) & Susan Nall Bales (FrameWorks Institute) 20. Child and youth well-being: The social indicators field - Brett V. Brown; Kristin Moore (Child Trends) 21. The American tradition of community development: Implications for guiding community engagement in youth development - Marc Mannes; Peter L. Benson (Search Institute); John P. Kretzmann (Northwestern University); Tyler Norris (Community Initiatives, Inc) Volume 2. ENHANCING THE LIFE CHANCES OF YOUTH AND FAMILIES: CONTRIBUTIONS OF PROGRAMS, POLICIES, AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Foreword - The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings (U.S. House of Representatives) Preface 1. Learning from policy and practice: A view of the issues - Francine Jacobs; Donald Wertlieb; Richard M. Lerner (Tufts University) I. Dangers on the Way: Risks to Achieving Positive Outcomes for Children 2. Internalizing and externalizing problems - Michael Windle (University of Alabama at Birmingham) 3. Understanding children's responses to marital conflict: A family systems model - Rebecca D.A. Schrag; Tara S. Peris; Robert E. Emery (University of Virginia) 4. Youth gangs and community violence - Carl S. Taylor (Michigan State University) 5. Child poverty in the United States: An evidence-based conceptual framework for programs and policies - Elizabeth T. Gershoff; Lawrence J. Aber (Columbia University); C. Cybele Raver (University of Chicago) 6. Beyond the body count: Moderating the effects of war on children's long-term adaptation - James Garbarino (Cornell University); Jasmina Burdzovic Andreas (Brandeis University); Joseph A. Vorrasi (Cornell University) II. Promoting Positive Youth Development: Practice and Evidence 7. Early intervention and family support programs - John Eckenrode; Charles Izzo; Mary Campa-Muller (Cornell University) 8. What is a youth development program? Identification of defining principles - Jodie L. Roth; Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (Teachers College, Columbia University) 9. Relationship-based interventions: The impact of mentoring and apprenticeship on youth development - Jean E. Rhodes; Jennifer G. Roffman (University of Massachusetts - Boston) 10. Positive youth development: A strategy for improving adolescent health - Robert W. Blum (University of Minnesota) 11. Implications of research on play and interpersonal development for the study and delivery of child psychotherapy - Sandra W. Russ; Amy B. Goldstein; Ethan D. Schafer (Case Western University) III. Public Child and Family-Serving Systems: Does Healthy Development Result? 12. How cities can improve children's outcomes: The case of ReadBoston - Richard Weissbourd (Harvard University) 13. Reforming education: Developing 21st century community schools - Martin J. Blank; Bela Shah; Sheri Johnson; William Blackwell; Melissa Ganley (Institute for Educational Leadership) 14. Schools and family services: Impacts and implications for families, family service providers, and school personnel - Charles Bruner (Child and Family Policy Center, Des Moines, Iowa) 15. Back to basics: Building an early care and education system - Sharon Lynn Kagan; Michelle J. Neuman (Teachers College, Columbia University) 16. Public health strategies to promote healthy children, youth, and families - Deborah Klein Walker (Massachusetts Department of Public Health) 17. Child welfare: Controversies and possibilities - Jacquelyn McCroskey (University of Southern California) 18. Welfare reform: Effects of TANF on family well-being - Sandra K. Danziger; Ariel Kalil (University of Michigan) 19. Juvenile justice and positive youth development - Robert G. Schwartz (Juvenile Law Center, Philadelphia) 20. Housing: The foundation of family life - Rachel G. Bratt (Tufts University) 21. The role of federal and state governments in child and family issues: An analysis of three policy areas - Jeffrey Capizzano; Matthew Stagner (The Urban Institute) IV. Effecting Policy: Solidifying a Child and Family Agenda 22. Youth leadership for development: Civic activism as a component of youth development programming and a strategy for strengthening civil society - Wendy Wheeler (Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development) 23. Shared leadership with families: Social inclusion as a core strategy of family support - Virginia L. Mason (Family Support America) 24. The politics of children's issues: Challenges and opportunities for advancing a children's agenda in the political arena - Mary Lee Allen; Susanne Martinez (Children's Defense Fund) 25. Exploring youth policy in the United States: Options for progress - Karen J. Pittman; Nicole Yohalem; Merita Irby (International Youth Foundation) Volume 3 PROMOTING POSITIVE YOUTH AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY SYSTEMS, CITIZENSHIP, AND CIVIL SOCIETY Foreword - David Bell (Chair, Board of Directors, International Youth Foundation) Preface 1. Enhancing civil society through youth development: A view of the issues - Donald Wertlieb; Francine Jacobs; Richard M. Lerner (Tufts University) I. National and International Perspectives 2. National youth organizations in the United States: Contributions to civil society - Donald T. Floyd and Leigh McKenna (National 4-H Council) 3. Collaborations and coalitions for positive youth development - Robert F. Ashcraft (Arizona State University) 4. An alliance for youth development: Second generation models of inter-sectoral partnering (ISP) - William Reese; Cathryn L. Thorup (International Youth Foundation) 5. Seeing beyond the crisis: What international relief organizations are learning from community-based child-rearing practices - Heidi Verhoef (Boston) 6. The role of NGOs in the protection of and assistance to children in complex emergencies and natural disasters - Angela Raven-Roberts (Tufts University) 7. International poverty movements and organizations as spaces of freedom for child, adolescent, and family development: The example of the Fourth World Movement - Bruno Tardieu (Fourth World Movement) 8. Health and disability: The role of the World Health Organization and other United Nations organizations in child, adolescent, and family development - Marguerite Schneider; Matilde Leonardi; T. Bedirhan Ustun (World Health Organization) 9. Quality of life in children - Joseph A. Durlak (Loyola University Chicago); Janet F. Gillespie (SUNY College at Brockport) 10. Childhood disability in sociocultural and historical context: Evolving social policies and practices - Bruce L. Mallory (University of New Hampshire) 11. Culture, child development research, and early childhood education: Rethinking the relationship - Rebecca S. New (Tufts University) 12. Investing in children promotes poverty reduction, social justice, and economic growth: The challenge for Asia - Joseph Michael Hunt (Asian Development Bank) 13. Promoting the development of the ASEAN child: Issues and challenges - Kim-Choo Khoo (National University of Singapore) 14. The role of participation, positive youth development and social entrepreneurship in ensuring successful programmes in Australia: Replicating good practice without compromising quality - Ulrike Schuermann (Australian Youth Foundation) 15. Non-government organizations in Canada promoting youth development: Opportunities for teens, communties, and developmental scientists - Heather Sears (University of New Brunswick) 16. Positive youth development in the context of national development: The emerging youth agenda of the Dominican Republic - Francisco A. Villarruel (Michigan State University), Alberto Rodriguez (World Bank), Leena Mangrulkar (W.K. Kellogg Foundation), Rafael Paz (ENTRENA S.A.), Rosemary T. Faiver (Independent Consultant), and Omara Rivera Vazquez (Michigan State University 17. European youth development and policy: the role of NGOs and public authority in the making of the European citizen - Peter Lauritzen with Irena Guidikova (Council of Europe) II. Perspectives from the Philanthropic Community 18. Philanthropy, science, and social change: Corporate and operating foundations as engines of applied developmental science - Lonnie R. Sherrod (Fordham University) 19. Private foundation support of youth development - Anne C. Petersen; Gail D. McClure (W. K. Kellogg Foundation) 20. Crossing the generational divide: Community foundations engaging youth in grantmaking, service, and leadership - Joel Orosz; Karin Tice; Sarah Van Eck (W. K. Kellogg Foundation) 21. A "Renaissance in Philanthropy": The future of private foundations and their service to children, youth, families, and their communities - Susanna Barry (Tufts University); Lorna Lathram (omidyar Foundation); Michael Chertok (Global Catalyst Foundation); Susan Bell; Renu Karir (The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation) III. Perspectives from the Faith Community 22. Islamic Arabic youth and family development: An example from Kuwait - Fawzyiah Hadi and Ghenaim Al-Fayez (Kuwait University) 23. Youth development through youth ministry: A renewed emphasis of the Catholic Church - Elizabeth M. Dowling (Tufts University) and Richard J. Dowling (Maryland Catholic Conference) 24. Jewish youth and family development programs - Seymour J. Friedland (Jewish Family and Children's Services of Greater Boston) and William Berkson (The Jewish Institute for Youth and Family) 25. Building strengths, deepening faith: Understanding and enhancing youth development in protestant congregations - Eugene C. Roehlkepartain (Search Institute) 26. Making room at the table for everyone: Interfaith engagement in positive child and adolescent development - Eugene C. Roehlkpartain (Search Institute) Volume 4 ADDING VALUE TO YOUTH AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: THE ENGAGED UNIVERSITY AND PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC OUTREACH Foreword - Graham B. Spanier (President, Pennsylvania State University) Preface 1. University engagement and outreach: A view of the issues - Richard M. Lerner; Donald Wertlieb; Francine Jacobs (Tufts University) I. The Engaged Univeristy 2. Changing campus culture - David C. Hardesty; Lawrence S. Cote; Larry LeFlore (West Virginia University) 3. Religiously affiliated colleges and universities - Monika K. Hellwig (Association of Catholic Colleges and Universites, Washington, D.C.) 4. Liberal arts institutions and child, family and community development - Gregory S. Prince, Jr.; Madelaine S. Marquez; Nancy Kelly (Hampshire College) 5. Promoting regional collaborations: The role of the comprehensive regional university - Judith A. Ramaley (University of Vermont) 6. The Tufts University College of Citizenship and Public Service: An infusion approach to education for active citizenship - Robert Hollister; Molly Mead; John DiBiaggio (Tufts University) 7. Can private colleges be good citizens?: One president's response - Marjorie Bakken; MaryPat Hebeler (Wheelock College) 8. Multi-university coalitions - Neal Halfon; Raphael Travis (UCLA) 9. Historically black universities: Making a difference in our communities - Shirley Hymon-Parker (University of Maryland Eastern Shores) 10. Revitalizing K-12 schools: The case for service learning - Shelley H. Billig (RMC Research Corporation) II. Academic Outreach 11. Promoting positive development with human development and family studies: The ecological perspective - Stephen F. Hamilton; Brian D. Leidy; Marney G. Thomas (Cornell University) 12. Early-childhood education - David Elkind (Tufts University) 13. The role of positive psychology in child, adolescent, and family development - Andrew Shatte; Martin E. P. Seligman (University of Pennsylvania); Jane E. Gillham (Swarthmore College); Karen Reivich (University of Pennsylvania) 14. Classification of positive traits - Christopher Peterson (University of Pennsylvania) 15. Promoting a life worth living: Human development from the vantage points of mental illness and mental health - Corey L. M. Keyes (Emory University) 16. Reform of science education: A curriculum - Leon M. Lederman (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) 17. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and positive youth development research - Susan Newcomer (National Institute of Child and Human Development) III. Professional Outreach 18. Family and consumer sciences: A holistic approach stretching to the future - Peggy S. Meszaros (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) 19. The role of nurses in enhancing adolescent development: A comprehensive approach - Linda S. Thompson (University of Maryland); Georgene Butler (Howard Community College) 20. A public-health approach to child and youth well-being: Envisioning a global alliance - Mark L. Rosenberg (Center for Child Well-being); Susan Zaro (ORC Macro); Maureen Marshall (The Center for Child Well-Being of the Task Force for Child Survival and Development) 21. Promoting positive development in children, youth, and families: A social work cultural-practice perspective - Robbie W. C. Tourse; Betty J. Blythe (Boston College) 22. Including law in the mix: The role of law, lawyers, and legal training in child advocacy - Catherine J. Ross (The George Washington University) 23. Participant consultation: Ethical insights into parental permission and confidentiality procedures for policy-relevant research with youth - Celia B. Fisher (Fordham University)