This Side of Doctoring


Reflections from Women in Medicine

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Edited by Eliza Lo Chin
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Eliza Lo Chin is a general internist with an interest in women's health. She received an M.D. from Harvard Medical School, an M.P.H. from Columbia University, and completed her residency in internal medicine at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Until recently, she was an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons where she was actively involved in both the clinical and teaching programs. In August 2000, Dr. Chin took a brief reprieve from clinical medicine to move to California where her husband Doug completed a fellowship in hand surgery. She has devoted this year to her three children and the completion of this anthology. She currently resides in northern California with her husband and three children and anticipates returning to her medical career in a part-time capacity.

Foreword - Janet Bickel Acknowledgments Introduction - Eliza Lo Chin 1. Historical Perspective - Eliza Lo Chin 2. Early Pioneers Glances and Glimpses - Harriet Hunt Letters from Elizabeth Blackwell - Elizabeth Blackwell In the Words of Mary Putnam Jacobi - Mary Putnam Jacobi The Fortress - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Some of My Life Experiences - Bethenia A. Owens-Adair From More Than Gold in California - Mary Bennett Ritter From Mine Eyes Have Seen - Alfreda Withington Petticoat Surgeon - Bertha Van Hoosen From A Child Went Forth - Helen MacKnight Doyle Fighting for Life - S. Josephine Baker From Bowery to Bellevue - Emily Dunning Barringer A Woven Fabric - Mary Canaga Rowland Woman at the Gate - Gulli Lindh Muller A Woman Doctor Looks at Love and Life - Marion Hilliard The Antique Roadshow of a 90-Year-Old - Juliana Swiney Sound Investments - Gertrude Russack Sobel The First Women at H.M.S. - Doris Rubin Bennett I Will Not Pass Away - Mildred Fay Jefferson The Beginnings of Women's Health Advocacy - Lila A. Wallis From Chivalry and Off-Color Jokes to Acceptance and Respect - Marianne Wolff Medicine and Motherhood - Marilyn Heins Medical Internship - Grace Foege Holmes 3. The Formative Years A Youthful Encounter - Ann Klompus Lanzerotti From Kitchen Table Wisdom - Rachel Naomi Remen Anatomy Lesson - Rebecca Tennant Cold Hands - Jennifer Hyde Here Is What I Learned - Alison Moll Jane - Ambur L. Economou Circumstance - Renda Soylemez From the Deccan Plateau - Teena Shetty Song of the Dying Ova - Sayantani DasGupta How I'll Become a Good Physician - Amy L. Dryer A Gift - Michelle Monje Thirtysomething Meets ER - Lori Gottlieb Freckles - Jennifer Best Summers With My Aunt - Renda Soylemez The Discovery Clinic - Melanie M. Watkins 4. Life in the Trenches: Internship and Residency Unknown Alpha - Lori E. Summers Birthday - Melissa Fischer How I Survived Residency - Nassim Assefi Necessary Journeys - Nancy L. Snyderman Post-Call - Sheri Ann Hunt We're Not in Kansas Anymore: Men as Medical Mentors - Sayantani DasGupta Whine List - Perri Klass The Only Night I Cried - Sondra Vazirani A Long Road - Elsa Raskin A Time for Change: Innovative Pathways for Residency Training - Elizabeth A. Rider Lamentation of the Female Academician - Melissa A. Parisi But I Do Care - Joan Stroud 5. On Doctoring In Between Before and After - Katherine Uraneck Heartsick - Julia E. McMurray My Patient, the Doctor, and Me - Gayatri Devi Heart Doctor - Stephanie Nagy-Agren Common Ground - Danielle Ofri Dawn - Kathleen Franco Life Force - Rachel Naomi Remen A Doctor Alone With Her Decision - L. Hawes Clever Through the Eyes of a Physician - Preetha Basaviah Why You Came to Me - Anju Goel Generations - Emily R. Transue Finding Beauty in Annie - Teresa Clabots A Visit to the Doctor - Deborah Young Bradshaw Job Description - Katherine Uraneck 6. Mothering and Doctoring Mutual Benefits - Rebekah Wang-Cheng Doctor's Daughter - Julia E. McMurray Conversation Hearts - Janice E. Daugherty Monday Morning - A. Shafer "mommydoc" - D. Miller A Mother's Prayer - S. Crosby On Being a Medical Mom - C. Leichman Tsunami Baby - K. Dong A Patient's Wife - Ruth Cohen The Transition Game - Bonnie Salomon Interview for Clinician-Educator Position - Stephanie Nagy-Agren Spiderlings - Dugan Wiess Maddux Teeter-Totter - Marcia Quereau McCrae Breast-Feeding: Straddling the Fence Between Work and Home - Rebecca J. Kurth A Reminiscence - Patricia Collins Temple The Second Road - Eliza Lo Chin Patients as Patron Saints - Alison Moll Mother's Day - Nalini Juthani "To Love and to Work" - Nancy B. Kaltreider Balance - Cynthia J. Kapphahn Numbing Down - Rebecca Tennant Maternity and Medicine - Anne E. Bernstein Parenting Without Pregnancy - Toby Jacobowitz Body Snatcher - Liza Sharpless Bonanno Redefining Motherhood - Karen P. Alexander Taking Children Seriously - Jessica Schorr Saxe 7. Making Choices Finding the Balance Point Between Overdrive and the Mommy Track - Mary Lou Schmidt Between Lawn Cuts - Anne Armstrong-Coben Not Having Children - Rita Charon Missed Opportunities - Barbara Cammer Paris Taking Stock - Kathy Kirkland Life Choices - Kathleen Dong Composing a Life in Medicine - Joyce Rico On Packing for the Information Superhighway - Cynthia Rasch Thoughts on Time Management - Veronica Piziak 8. Barriers Glass Ceiling - Bhuvana Chandra Why Don't You Quit? - Nancy B. Kaltreider Woman in Orthopedic Surgery Stories - Mary Williams Clark Life in the Boys' Club - Roberta E. Sonnino Professionalism - Rosa E. Cuenca The Feminization of American Medicine - Kathryn Ko An Interview Tale - Priya Krishna Not Easy to Please - Woman's Medical Journal On Reaching Visible - Susan K. Schultz Triple Jeopardy - Livia Shang-yu Wan A Minority Perspective - Beverly M. Gaines My Path Through Medical School - Barbara K. Pawley The Life of Women in Medicine - Barbara R. Sommer Leave - Grace H. Elta Emotional Conflicts of the Career Woman - Alexandra Symonds Kath's Graduation - Kathryn A. Carolin An American Experience - Dorina Rose Abdulah A Warm Gesture - Name Withheld A Lesbian Voice: What Does It Mean to Be a "Dyke Doctor"? - Patricia A. Robertson 9. Connections The Doctor in the Family - Marie F. Johnson Tobacco, Tulips, and Terminal Care - Maryella Desak Sirmon The Friendship of Women - Marjorie Spurrier Sirridge A Doctor in the Family - Bhuvana Chandra The Two-Casserole Test - Linda Hawes Clever The Cafeteria - Lou Elizabeth Mac Manus Memories of Our Mother - Diane F. Merritt 10. Balancing August 1994: Letter to My Student - Beth Alexander Balancing, Juggling, and Other Feats - Donna L. Parker Juggling the Personal and Professional Life - Marcia Angell Workday Mornings-Three Weeks - Stephanie Nagy-Agren Where Is the Self? - Gayle Shore Moyer The Multitude of Little Things - Dorothy V. Whipple Is It Worth It? - Nancy B. Kaltreider Can It Be Done? - Mary Lou Schmidt A Few Thoughts on Part-time Faculty: The Push for the Summit and the Long Climb Down - Charlotte Heidenreich Centered in the Deep Connections - Lucy M. Candib An Independent Scientist - Linda Ganzini How to Do It All at Once - Teresa Clabots Late Lunch - Mary Williams Clark Balancing Family and Career: Advice From the Trenches - Molly Carnes One Page at a Time - Audrey Shafer To Rachel - Joan C. Lo Pregnancy and the Professional Woman - Amy A. Tyson The Changing Role of Physicians as Working Mothers - Marian Korteling Levai Reflections on Balance - Jennifer R. Niebyl Notes From a Personal Journey - Silvia Wybert Olarte 11. Our Families' Perspectives Jelly - Dr. W From Balm in Gilead: Journey of a Healer - Sara Lawrence Lightfoot Our Medical Marriage - Richard M. Berlin From Her Infinite Variety - A Lawyer What's a Mother For? - Blaise Levai Life With Mother, the M.D. - Cynthia Magowan What We Have Fashioned Together - Theodore Nadelson & Leon Eisenberg I Remember as a Child - Mary Cogan Bromage Renuka Gera - Lori Gera 12. Reflections The Feminization of Medicine - Perri Klass Double Helix - Angelee Deodhar Identity Crisis - Anne Lipton A Personal Journey - Graciela S. Alarcon My Experience as a Woman in Medicine - Florence H. Sheehan Scopes, Hopes and Learning the Ropes - Christina M. Surawicz Defining Ourselves - Carol Merchant Looking Good - Martha Stitelman What It's Been Like - Kathryn D. Anderson Reminiscences of My Medical Career - Michelle Palmieri Warren Enjoying the Moment - Catherine Chang Navigating the Maze of Academic Medicine - JoAnn Elisabeth Manson From Teacher to Psychiatrist With Family - Leah J. Dickstein Generation to Generation: Mother-Daughter Physicians - Diane K. Shrier & Lydia A. Shrier Afterword - Eliza Lo Chin Glossary Resources for Women in Medicine About the Editor About the Contributors

Like a patchwork quilt, this richly-textured compilation represents each woman's extraordinary life and career while their common experiences clearly emerge, cutting across different specialties, ages, and geographic divides. * Academic Library Book Review *

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