Sheila Jasanoff is Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the Harvard Kennedy School. A pioneer in her field, she has authored more than 100 articles and chapters and is author or editor of a dozen books, including Controlling Chemicals, The Fifth Branch, Science at the Bar, and Designs on Nature. Her work explores the role of science and technology in the law, politics, and policy of modern democracies, with particular attention to the nature of public reason. She was founding chair of the STS Department at Cornell University and has held numerous distinguished visiting appointments in the US, Europe, and Japan. Jasanoff served on the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and as President of the Society for Social Studies of Science. Her grants and awards include a 2010 Guggenheim Fellowship and an Ehrenkreuz from the Government of Austria. She holds AB, JD, and PhD degrees from Harvard, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Twente. Professor James C. Peterson is the C. C. Dickson Associate Professor of Ethics at Wingate University. He has been a Research Fellow in Molecular and Clinical Genetics at the University of Iowa, earned a Ph. D. in Ethics at the University of Virginia, and is an ordained minister. His interdisciplinary work has led to being named a Fellow by the American Scientific Affiliation, a Fellow of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, to a Templeton Award, and to a research group regularly hosted by faculty of Oxford University. His book, Genetic Turning Points: the Ethics of Human Genetic Intervention, has just been released. Please visit for additional information. Professor Trevor Pinch's main research continues to be on musical technologies. He has collaborations with Harry Collins at the University of Cardiff and Richard Rottenburg at the University of Halle, Germany.
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Foreword Introduction PART I. OVERVIEW 1. Reinventing the Wheel - D. Edge PART II. THEORY AND METHODS 2. Four Models for the Dynamics of Science - M. Callon 3. Coming of Age in STS: Some Methodoligical Musings - G. Bowden 4. The Origin, History, and Politics of the Subject Called "Gender and Science": A First Person Account - E. Fox Keller 5. The Theory Landscape in Science Studies: Sociological Traditions - S. Restivo PART III. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CULTURES 6. Science and Other Indigenous Knowledge Systems - H. Watson-Verran & D. Turnbull 7. Laboratory Studies: The Cultural Approach to the Study of cience - k. Knorr Cetina 8. Engineering Studies - G. Lee Downey & J. C. Lucena 9. Feminist Theories of Technology - J. Wajcman 10. Women and Scientific Careers - M. Frank Fox PART IV. CONSTRUCTING TECHNOLOGY 11. Sociohistorical Technology Studies - W. E. Bijker 12. From "Impact" to Social Process: Computers in Society and Culture - P. N. Edwards 13. Science Studies and Machine Intelligence - H. M. Collins 14. The Human Genome Project - S. Hilgartner PART V. COMMUNICATING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 15. Discourse, Rhetoric, Reflexivity: Seven Days in the Library - M. Ashmore, G. Myers, & J. Potter 16. Science and the Media - B. V. Lewenstein 17. Public Understanding of Science - B. Wynne PART VI. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND CONTROVERSY 18. Boundaries of Science - T. F. Gieryn 19. Science Controversies: The Dynamics of Public Disputes in the United States - D. Nelkin 20. The Environmental Challenge to Science Studies - S. Yearley 21. Science as Intellectual Property - H. Etzkowitz & A. Webster 22. Scientific Knowledge, Controversy, and Public Decision Making - B. Martin & E. Richards PART VII. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE STATE 23. Science, Government, and the Politics of Knowledge - S. E. Cozzens & E. J. Woodhouse 24. Politics by the Same Means: Government and Science in the United States - B. Bimber & D. H. Guston 25. Changing Policy Agendas in Science and Technology - A. Elzinga & A. Jamison 26. Science, Technology, and the Military: Relations in Transition - W. A. Smit 27. Science and Technology in Less Developed Countries - W. Shrum & Y. Shenhav 28. Globalizaing the World: Science and Technology in International Relations - V. Ancarani References Further Reading Index About the Authors
"This volume represents the social constructivist turn of the field. It is evident that social constructivism made a major impact on the field during the 1970s and 1980s. The diverse papers included here highlight the role of ethnography in STS. In addition, we are exposed to new perspectives of the multicultural and gendered nature of knowledge production." * SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY * "The long-awaited Handbook of Science and Technology Studies sponsored by the Society for Social Studies of Science is a truly substantial work, both in size and in the breadth of its many contributions. It is a rich and valuable guide to much that is transpiring in the field of Science and Technology Studies. In the editors' words, it is 'an unconventional but arresting atlas of the field at a particular moment in its history.'" * SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY * "This book is not only an important resource for practitioners, but it also may help to spark the curiosity of those who are outside the field-including scientists and engineers themselves-and so pull the 'half-seen world' of science and technology studies even more fully into the light of day." * AMERICAN SCIENTIST * "The book as a whole is an impressive testimony to the vitality of a burgeoning field." * NEW SCIENTIST * "It reflects the international and interdisciplinary nature of the society. An excellent resource" * CHOICE *