Bruce Thompson is (a) a former member of the Council of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), (b) a former nominee for AERA President, and (c) a former editor of AERJ:TLHD (as well as 3 other journals, including EPM for 9 years). Bruce is especially known for (a) his work on effect sizes, and (b) his contributions to creating the LibQUAL+(R) protocol, completed in ~20 language variations by more than 1,200,000 academic research library users at more than 1,100 institutions from around the world.
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Preface Part 1 Basic Concepts in Score Reliability Ch 1 Understanding Reliability and Coefficient Alpha, Really alpha, Really - Bruce Thompson Exercises - Bruce Thompson Ch 2 Correcting Effect Sizes for Score Reliability - Frank Baugh Ch 3 A Brief Introduction to Generalizability Theory - Bruce Thompson Ch 4 Reliability Methods: A Note on the Frequency of Use of Various Types - Thomas P. Hogan, Amy Benjamin, and Kristen L. Brezinski Ch 5 Confidence Intervals About Score Reliability Coefficients - Xitao Fan and Bruce Thompson Exercises - Bruce Thompson Part 2 The Nature of Reliability Ch 6 Guidelines for Authors Reporting Score Reliability Estimates - Bruce Thompson Ch 7 Reliability as Psychometrics versus Datametircs - Shlomo S. Sawilowsky Ch 8 Psychometrics is Datametrics: The Test is Not Reliable - Bruce Thompson and Tammi Vacha-Haase Ch 9 Reliability:Rejoinder to Thompson and Vacha-Haase - Shlomo S. Sawilowsky Part 3 Reliability Induction and Reporting Practices Ch 10 Sample Compositions and Variabilities in Published Studies versus Those in Test Manuals: Validity of Score Reliability Inductions - Tammi Vacha-Haase, Lori R. Kogan, and Bruce Thompson Ch 11 How Well Do Researchers Report Their Measures?: An Evaluation of Measurement in Published Educational Research - Dale Whittington Ch 12 The Degree of Congruence Between Test Standards and Test Documentation Within Journal Publications - Audrey L. Qualls and Angela D. Moss Exercises - Bruce Thompson Ch 13 Reliability Generalization: Exploring Variance in Measurement Error Affecting Score Reliability Across Studies - Tammi Vacha-Haase Ch 14 Assesing the Reliability of Beck Depression Inventory Scores: Reliability Generalization Across Studies - Ping Yin and Xitao Fan Ch 15 Measurement Error in "Big Five Factors" Personality Assessment: Reliability Generalization Across Studies and Measures - Chockalingam Viswesvaran and Deniz S. Ones Ch 16 Reliability Generalization of the NEO Personality Scales - John C. Caruso Exercises - Bruce Thompson Index About the Author
"This is a book that should be on the desk of anyone truly concerned with reliability. The whole question of conditional reliabilities is current and important; and, the question of reliability generalization is being opened out and moving away from Cronbach's approach. The topic is an important one." -- Richard L. Gorsuch