Society Online


The Internet in Context

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Edited by Philip E. N. Howard, Steven Jones
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Philip N. Howard is an assistant professor in the Communication Department at the University of Washington. He has published several articles and chapters on the use of new media in politics and public opinion research, was the first politics research fellow at the Pew Internet & American Life Project and currently serves on the advisory board of the Survey2001 Project. He teaches courses in political communication, organizational behavior, and international media systems, and is currently preparing a book-length manuscript called Politics In Code: Franchise and Representation in the Age of New Media. Steve Jones is UIC Distinguished Professor of Communication and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Chicago, USA and Adjunct Research Professor in the Institute for Communications Research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA. He is editor of New Media & Society and co-editor of Mobile Media & Communication. His research interests encompass popular music studies, music technology, sound studies, internet studies, media history, virtual reality, human-machine communication, social robotics and human augmentics. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Centers for Disease Control and the Tides Foundation.

Acknowledgements Foreword - Howard "Lee" Rainie Prologue. The Case for Multi-Method Research: Large Sample Design & The Study of Life Online - James Witte Chapter 1: Introduction. Embedded Media: Who We Know, What We Know, and Society Online - Philip N. Howard and Steve Jones PART I. SOCIAL CAPITAL, COMMUNITY, AND CONTENT Chapter 2: The Bridging and Bonding Role of Online Communities - Pippa Norris Chapter 3: Deeper Understanding, Deeper Ties: Taking Faith Online - Elena Larsen Chapter 4: Bending Gender into the Net: Feminizing Content, Corporate Interests, and Research Strategy - Leslie Regan Shade Chapter 5: Interrogating the Digital Divide: The Political Economy of Race and Commerce in New Media - Lisa Nakamura PART II. WIRED NEWS AND POLITICS ONLINE Chapter 6: Will Internet Voting Increase Turnout? An Analysis of Voter Preference - Jennifer Stromer-Galley Chapter 7: The Internet and Political Involvement in 1996 and 2000 - Ronald E. Rice and James E. Katz Chapter 8: New Media, Internet News, and the News Habit - Carin Dessauer Chapter 9: Crisis Communication and New Media: The Web After September 11 - Steven M. Schneider and Kirsten A. Foot PART III. ECONOMICE LIFE ONLINE Chapter 10: 'sHoP onLiNE!': Advertising Female Teen Cyberculture - David Silver and Philip Garland Chapter 11: Permanently Beta: Responsive Organization in the Internet Era - Gina Neff and David Stark Chapter 12: Art Versus Code: The Gendered Evolution of Web Design Skills - Nalini P. Kotamraju PART IV. CULTURE AND SOCIALIZATION ONLINE Chapter 13: Wired and Well-Read - Wendy Griswold and Nathan Wright Chapter 14: The Disembodied Muse: Music in the Internet Age - Richard A. Peterson and John Ryan Chapter 15: Technology & Tolerance: Public Opinion Differences Among Internet Users and Nonusers - John P. Robinson, Alan Neustadtl, and Meyer Kestnbaum PART V. PERSONAL AND GLOBAL CONTEXTS OF LIFE ONLINE Chapter 16: Informed Web Surfing: The Social Context of User Sophistication - Eszter Hargittai Chapter 17: U.S. American Internet Users and Privacy: A Safe Harbor of Their Own? - Doreen Starke-Meyerring, Dan L. Burk, and Laura J. Gurak Chapter 18: Sited Materials with a Global Span - Saskia Sassen Chapter 19: The Future of Internet: Cultural and Individual Conceptions - William Sims Bainbridge Chapter 20: Conclusion: Contexting the Network - Steve Jones

"These editors have the respect, visibility, and track-record to make this volume a contribution to the field of Internet studies. It will be adopted as an upper-division text and can also serve as a valuable reference work for doctoral students. Given its broad mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches, this work should have wide appeal across the Social Sciences and Information Studies." -- Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach "Society Online is an ambitious collection of articles, delivering the next generation of careful but eloquent studies of Internet use and culture. Both accessible and varied treatments, rich array of methodological approaches, intriguing data and provocative thought frameworks await the reader who would be curious to see if the internet context is already converging on some stability or still oscillating in search of its impacts and identity." -- Sheizaf Rafaeli "This is perhaps one of the most rigorously researched collections about online interactions and culture. The essays, based on a major initiative by the Pew Foundation, integrate data from other projects, such as the General Social Survey... The book is atheoretical, engaging little of technology studies, whether social construction of technology, actor-network theory, or others." -- J.L. Croissant * CHOICE *

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