African American Communication & Identities


Essential Readings

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Edited by Ronald L. Jackson II
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254 x 177 mm
650 g

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Ronald L. Jackson II (Ph. D., Howard University) is Associate Professor of Culture and Communication Theory in the Department of Communication Arts & Sciences at the Pennsylvania State University. He is author of The Negotiation of Cultural Identity (Praeger Press), Think About It! (, African American Communication: Identity and Culture (with Michael Hecht and Sidney Ribeau; Erlbaum Publishers). Forthcoming are five books entitled: African American Rhetorics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (with Elaine Richardson; Southern Illinois University Press); Scripting the Black Masculine Body in Popular Media: Identity, Discourse and Racial Politics in Popular Media (SUNY Press), Essential Readings in African American Communication Studies and Understanding African American Rhetoric (with Elaine Richardson). Dr. Jackson's theory work includes the development of two paradigms coined "cultural contracts theory" and "black masculine identity theory."

SECTION 1. THEORETIC APPROACHES TO AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNICATION AND IDENTITIES Ch 1. How I Got Over: Communication Dynamics in the Black Community - Jack L. Daniel and Geneva Smitherman Ch 2. The Afrocentric Idea - Molefi Kete Asante Ch 3. Complicity: The Theory of Negative Difference - Mark Lawrence McPhail Ch 4. Black Kinesics: Some Nonverbal Communication Patterns in Black Culture - Kenneth R. Johnson Ch 5. Improvisation as a Performance Strategy for African-based Theatre - Joni L. Jones SECTION 2. AFRICAN AMERICAN RHETORIC AND LANGUAGE Ch 6. A Dilemma of Black Communication Scholars: The Challenge of Finding New Rhetorical Tools - Deborah F. Atwater Ch 7. African American Ethos and Hermeneutical Rhetoric: An exploration of Alain Locke's The New Negro - Eric King Watts Ch 8. Playing the Dozens: Folklore as Strategies for Living - Thurmon Garner Ch 9. Black Street Speech: Its History, Structure, and Survival - John Baugh SECTION 3. AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNICATION IN RELATIONAL CONTEXTS Ch 10. An Afro-American Perspective on Interethnic Communication - Michael L. Hecht, Sidney Ribeau, and J. K. Alberts Ch 11. Interracial Dating: The Implications of Race for Initiating a Romantic Relationship - Tina M. Harris, Pamela Kalbfleisch Ch 12. The Changing Influence of Interpersonal Perceptions on Marital Well-being Among Black and White Couples - Linda K. Acitelli. Elizabeth Douvan, and Joseph Veroff Ch 13. Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord": Participation in African American Churches Among Young African American Men Who Have Sex With Men - Jeffrey Lynn Woodyard, John L. Peterson, and Joseph P. Stokes effrey Lynn Woodyard, J. L. Peterson, J. P. Stokes SECTION 4. COMMUNICATING AFRICAN AMERICAN GENDERED IDENTITIES Ch 14. Multiple Perspectives: African American Women Conceive Their Talk - Marsha Houston Ch 15. Crossing Cultural Borders: "Girl" and "Look" as Markers of Identity in Black Women's Language Use - Karla D. Scott Ch 16. "That Was My Occupation": Oral Narrative, Performance, and Black Feminist Thought - D. Soyini Madison Ch 17. Interrogating the Representation of African American Female Identity in the Films "Waiting to Exhale" and "Set It Off." - Tina M. Harris Ch 18. Defining Black Masculinity as Cultural Property: An Identity Negotiation Paradigm - Ronald L. Jackson, II and Celnisha L. Dangerfield SECTION 5. AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNICATION AND IDENTITIES IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL CONTEXTS Ch 19. "Diversity" and Organizational Communication - Brenda J. Allen, Ch 20. African American Women Executives' Leadership Communication Within Dominant-Culture Organizations - Patricia S. Parker Ch. 21. Student Perceptions of the Influence of Race on Professor Credibility - Katherine Grace Hendrix Ch 22. Exploring African American Identity Negotiation in the Academy: Toward a Transformative Vision of African American Communication Scholarship - Ronald L. Jackson, II SECTION 6. AFRICAN AMERICAN IDENTITIES IN MASS MEDIATED CONTEXTS Ch 23. The Changing Image of the African American Family on Television - Melbourne S. Cummings Ch 24. Jammin' on the One! Some Reflections on the Politics of Black Popular Culture - Herman Gray Ch 25. Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films - Donald Bogle Ch 26. Black Talk Radio: Defining Community Needs and Identity - Catherine R. Squires

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