Dr. Steven J. Steinberg is an Associate Professor of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences at Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. He received his bachelor's degree from Kent State University, Ohio; his master's from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; and his doctorate from The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He has been involved extensively in the development and teaching of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing courses in both the university and professional development arenas. Since coming to Humboldt State University, Dr. Steinberg has taught and developed a variety of courses in the area of GIS, remote sensing, and spatial data analysis, with an emphasis on human interactions with social and environmental surroundings. His recent research interests include the development of simple, Web-based spatial analysis tools. He also has interests in the interactions between people and their surroundings through the use of spatial analysis techniques. As cofounder and director of Humboldt State University's Advanced Spatial Analysis Facility, Dr. Steinberg has overseen a variety of GIS and spatial analysis projects and research with organizations and government agencies in northern California and elsewhere. He was selected as a Fulbright Scholar for 2004-2005, serving as distinguished chair in airborne remote sensing with the Centre for Scientific Computing at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. During 2005-2007, he is participating as part of an interdisciplinary team of scientists at Humboldt State University on a National Science Foundation project extending research experience to undergraduate students in a cross-disciplinary computing modeling and applications environment. Dr. Sheila L. Steinberg is Associate Director of the California Center for Rural Policy and is an Associate Professor of sociology at Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. She completed her bachelor's at the University of California, Santa Barbara; her master's at the University of California, Berkeley; and her doctorate at The Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include sociospatial research, rural poverty, rural health, applied sociology, community development, and environmental sociology. She has conducted field research in Nepal, Guatemala, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and northern California. The theme throughout this research has been the examination of people and their relationship to space and place. Her current research examines how to integrate GIS into rural health research. In 2000, she joined Humboldt State University, where she now teaches courses on human interactions with the physical environment at the local, national, and global levels.
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Preface Organization of this book Chapter Summaries Introduction Social Inequality in Chicago Slums Railroads as Indicators of Civilized Society Early Social Ecology: Spatial Studies of Chicago Relevant Web Sites 1. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems What is a Geographic Information System? Understanding GIS The "G" in GIS The "I" in GIS The "S" in GIS Summary Relevant Web Sites 2. GIS Basics An Example of a Spatially-Based Study GIS Data Formats Spatial Data Formats GIS Data Models Topological and Raster Data Models and Analysis Approaches Data Compression and Packaging Essential Mapping Concepts So What Do I Do? GIS Output Summary Relevant Web Sites Suggested Reading 3. Topics for Sociospatial Research Introduction What Value Does GIS Present in Social Science Research? Exploring and Integrating Information Determining Project Goals Guiding Questions How To: Steps in the Process Relevant Web Sites 4. Research Design Inductive Versus Deductive Approach to Research What Is the Purpose of Your Research? Stages of Sociospatial Research for Deductive Research The Role of Time Errors in Human Inquiry Ecological Fallacy Ethics and GIS Relevant Web Sites Suggested Reading 5. Qualitative Research Methods and GIS Introduction Grounded Theory: GIS Using an Inductive Approach Grounded Theory and GIS Sociospatial Grounded Theory Using GIS Questions to Guide Integration of GIS Into Field Research Local Sources of Data Oral History Interviews Participant Observation News as a Source of Data Ethnography and GIS Case Studies and GIS Public Participation and GIS Relevant Web Sites 6. GIS Data Collection and Development (Sources, Input, and Output) Introduction Data Acquisition Evaluating Data Suitability Obtaining GIS Data From the Internet Obtaining Data From Offline Sources How Can I Use My Own Data? Approaching the Use of GIS With and Without Computer in the Field Data Collection Considerations Unit of Analysis Database Concepts and GIS Rules for GIS Database Development Creating GIS-Friendly Data Tables Integrating Other Types of Data GIS Output Conclusions Relevant Web Sites 7. Measurement Introduction Type of Data Source: Primary or Secondary Concepts, Variables, and Attributes Operationalization of Concepts in GIS Different Data Types: Matching Geographic and Social Variables? Validity and Reliability Data Sampling and GIS Study Area and Sample Unit Boundaries Factors Affecting Choice of GIS Variables Relevant Web Sites Suggested Reading 8. Data Documentation and Model Development The Importance of Ground Truthing Data Documenting Data Accuracy and Quality (Metadata) Analytical Approach Phases of Abstraction Statistical Outputs From GIS Relevant Web Sites 9. Analysis, Interpretation, and Application Analysis Techniques Cartographic Classification Buffer and Overlay Proximity Polygons and Nearest Neighbors Social Networks and Network Analysis Topographic Tools Spatial Interpolation and Simulation Modeling When to Use GIS as a Problem-Solving Tool Potential Pitfalls Relevant Web Sites 10. Future Opportunities for Social Research and GIS Linking GIS and the Social Sciences Using GIS to Study Society and Change Identifying Social Inequality GIS City Case Example Government and GIS Data Continuity Over Time Metadata Documentation of Your Data Future Directions for GIS and Social Sciences Visualization and GIS Faster Response Time Impact of Tools for the Future Parting Thoughts Some Suggestions for Student Research Projects Relevant Web Sites Glossary Web Links References Index