Learning to Lead Together


The Promise and Challenge of Sharing Leadership

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Edited by Janet H. Chrispeels
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Janet H. Chrispeels is a Professor in the Educational Leadership and Organizations emphasis at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and serves as director of the Center for Educational Leadership. She is also executive director of the California Center for Effective Schools, as well as director of the administrative credentialing program at UCSB. She earned her BA from Michigan State, and Doctorate from the University of San Diego. Her research interests include school change and restructuring, school-home collaboration, leadership, and professional development.

Preface Acknowledgements About the Editor About the Contributors Part I: Providing the Context 1. The Dynamics of Sharing and Distributing Leadership - Janet H. Chrispeels Part II: Case Studies of Principals Sharing Leadership 2. Changing the Culture of a Middle School: A Narrative Examination of a New Principal's Implementation of Shared Leadership - Peggy H. Burke and Mary Cavalier 3. Creating Meaningful Opportunities for Collaboration - Vishna A. Herrity and Pat Morales 4. Reflections on Practice: An Administrator's 16-Year Journey to Promote Teacher Leadership and Learning - David Burke and Ian Mitchell 5. A Middle School Strives to Achieve Team Leadership Through Opposition and Uncertainty - Kathleen J. Martin and Janet H. Chrispeels 6. Evolving Roles and Sharing Leadership: The Path of One Leadership Team - Shiou-Ping Shiu, Janet H. Chrispeels and Robin Endacott Doerr Part III: Cross-Case Studies of Shared Leadership 7. Sharing Leadership: Principals' Perceptions - Maureen Yep and Janet H. Chrispeels 8. Lessons Learned About Sustainable Results in Urban Middle Schools: Four Principals and Their Reflection on the Process of Change - Peggy H. Burke 9. Principals Conceptualize the Development of Teacher Leaders: A Cross-Case Study of Shared Leadership in High-Poverty Kentucky Schools - Deborah H. McDonald and John L. Keedy 10. Principal Choice and Teacher Participation in Site-Based Management: Four Schools Implement One Policy - S David Brazer 11. Successful Leadership in Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances: No Panaceas or Promises - Alma Harris Part IV: Preparing School Leaders for Shared Leadership 12. Supporting Teachers' Leadership: What Can Principals Do? A Teacher's Perspective From Research - David Frost and Judy Durrant 13. Promoting Leadership Development and Collaboration in Rural Schools - Joseph I. Castro 14. Problem-Based Learning and Its Role in Preparing School Leaders for Collaboration - Edwin M. Bridges Part V: Conclusions 15. Sharing Leadership: Learning From Challenge - Aiming Toward Promise - Janet H. Chrispeels Name Index Subject Index

"Too often the response to good ideas is 'it won't work here.' This book respects that perspective by providing school leaders with studies from the field that describe efforts that have and have not worked. The concept of shared leadership is presented in a 'real world' context, including the voices of those who don't want it. The reader will develop a better understanding of what true collaboration can look like along with the challenges leaders may face as the culture of their school adapts to change." -- Stephen Gruenert Learning to Lead Together connects leadership theory with experiences from the field, it is very useful to practitioners and to individuals preparing for formal school leadership positions. -- Albert H. Fein "Janet Chrispeel's Learning to Lead Together provides a rich anthology of real experiences of school based leaders caught in the vortex of leading and learning on the one hand and teaching and leading on the other. I highly recommend this new work to students seeking real answers to real problems." -- James C. Moulton, Jr.

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