The Psychology Research Handbook 2/e


A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants

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By Frederick Leong
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Foreword - Anthony Marsella Acknowledgments Introduction - James T. Austin, Frederick T. L. PART I. RESEARCH PLANNING Research as a script - Douglas A. Hershey, Joy M. Jacobs-Lawson, Thomas L. Wilson Finding a research topic - Frederick T. L. Leong, Douglas J. Muccio Bibliographic research - Jeffrey Reed, Pam Baxter Reviewing and evaluating a research article - Kathryn Oleson, Robert Arkin Program evaluation: Concepts and Perspectives - James Altschuld, James Austin PART II. DESIGN, INSTRUMENT SELECTION OR DEVELOPMENT, & SAMPLING Designing a research study - Bruce Wampold Evaluating and selecting psychological measures for research purposes - Madonna Constantine, Joseph Ponterotto Designing surveys and questionnaires for research - Robert Goddard, Peter Villanova Scale development - John Lounsbury, Lucy Gibson, Rich Saudargas Applying sampling procedures - William McCready Statistical power - Brett Myors PART III. DATA COLLECTION Applying for approval to conduct research with human participants - Don Dell, Lyle Schmidt, Naomi Meara Conducting mail & Internet surveys - Alan Vaux, Chad Briggs Conducting telephone surveys - Peter Chen, Yueng-hsiang Huang Collecting data in groups - Steven Zaccaro, Meredith Cracraft, Michelle Marks PART IV. DATA ANALYSIS Cleaning up data and running preliminary analyses - David DiLalla, Stephen Dollinger Qualitative methods - Howard Pollio, T. R. Graves, Michael Arfken A Basic guide to Statistical research and discovery: Planning and selecting statistical analyses - Charles A.Scherbaum Basic statistical analyses - David Dickter Using advanced statistics - Lisa Steelman, Paul Levy Conducting a meta-analysis - Harris Cooper, Jorgianne Civey Robinson, Nancy Dorr Archival data sets: Revisiting issues and considerations - Barbara Zaitzow, Charles Fields PART V. RESEARCH WRITING Writing in APA style: Why and how - Robert Calderon, James Austin Writing rough drafts - Christopher Peterson Revising a research manuscript - Donna Nagata, Steven Trierweiler Dealing with journal editors and reviewers - Samuel Osipow PART VI. SPECIAL TOPICS Coordinating a research team: Maintaining & developing a good working laboratory - Dennis Molfese & Colleagues Multilevel research - David Chan Computational modeling - Michael Zickar Applying for research grants - John Borkowski, Kimberly Howard Cross-cultural research methodology - Kwok Leung, Fons Van de Vijver Applying theories to research: The interplay of theory and research in science - Charles Gelso The research script: One researcher's view - Richard Petty Index About the Editors About the Contributors

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