Handbook of Workplace Violence


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Edited by E . Kevin Kelloway, Julian Barling, Joseph J. Hurrell
Release Date:
254 x 177 mm
1390 g

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E. Kevin Kelloway is the Canada Research Chair in Occupational Health Psychology at Saint Mary's University. He received his PhD in Organizational Psychology from Queen's University (Kingston, ON) and taught for eight years at the University of Guelph. In 1999 he moved to Saint Mary's University where he also holds the position of Professor of Psychology. He was the founding director of the CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and the PhD program in Business Administration (Management). He was also a founding principal of the Centre for Leadership Excellence at Saint Mary's. An active researcher, he is the author/editor of 12 books and over 100 research articles and chapters. He is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the Canadian Psychological Association and of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Julian Barling is Associate Dean and Professor at the Queen's School of Business. He is responsible for rhe Ph.D,M.Sc and Research programs in the School of Business. Dr. Barling is author of of several books, including Employment, Stress and Family Functioning (1990,Wiley & Sons), The Union and Its Members: A Psychological Approach (with Clive Fullagar and Kevin Kelloway, 1992, Oxford University Press), and Changing Employment Relations: Behavioral and Social Perspectives (with Lois Tetrick, 1995, American Psychological Association), andYouth and Employment (with Kevin Kelloway, forthcoming, American Psychological Association). Dr. Barling served as co-editor (with Kevin Kelloway) of the Sage Publication series ,Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior, is consulting editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Stress Medicine and the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. From 1989-1991, he was the chairperson of the Advisory Council on Occupational Health and Safety to the Ontario Minister of Labour. In 1995 and 1997, he received the annual awards for "Excellence in Research" from the School of Business, Queen's University. Joseph J. Hurrell is Associate Director for Science, Division of Surveillance Hazard Evaluations and Field Studies (DSHEFS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH, CDC), Robert A. Taft Laboratories. NIOSH, an Institute within the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), performs research on the causes of occupational illnesses and injuries. DSHEFS is one of the largest Divisions of NIOSH, CDC. Dr. Hurrell is also Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. He has co-authored and co-edited eight books on occupational health psychology. Dr. Hurrell is Associate Editor, Occupational Health Psychology and is the author of numerous articles published in refereed journals.

Part I. Perspectives on Workplace Violence 1.Editors' Introduction to Part I 2.Violence as Instrumental Behavior - Richard B. Felson 3.Emotions, Violence, and Counterproductive Work Behaviors - Paul E. Spector, Suzy Fox, & Theresa Domagalski 4.Prevalence of Workplace Aggression in the U.S. Workforce: Findings from a National Study - Aaron C.H. Schat, Michael R. Frone, & E. Kevin Kelloway Part II. Sources and Forms of Workplace Violence 5.Editors' Introduction to Part II 6.Workplace Emotional Abuse - Loraleigh Keashly & Steve Harvey 7.Workplace Bullying - Charlotte Rayner & Cary L. Cooper 8. Violence in Nursing - Marilyn Lanza 9.School Violence - Irvin Sam Schonfeld 10. Workplace violence in the Police - Stephen B. Perrott & E. Kevin Kelloway 11.Crossing the Line: Violence on the Picket Line - Lori Francis, James E. Cameron, & E. Kevin Kelloway 12. Public Initiated Violence - Manon Mireille LeBlanc, Kathryn E. Dupre, & Julian Barling 13.The battlefield as workplace: Violence in Warfighting - Kelly M.J. Farley & Victor M. Catano 14.Violence in peacekeeping - Michelle Innes & Julian Barling 15.Community Sources of Workplace Violence - Joerg Dietz & Harjinder Gill 16.The Consequences of Partner Violence on Employment and the Workplace - Jennifer E. Swanberg, TK Logan & Caroline Macke 17.Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A look Back and a Look Ahead - Collette Arens Bates, Lynn Bowes-Sperry, & Anne M. O'Leary-Kelly 18. Young Workers - Sean Tucker and Catherine Loughlin 19. A Case of Cyberdeviancy: Cyber Aggression in the Workplace - Terrance Weatherbee and E. Kevin Kelloway Part III. Prevention and Intervention 20.Editors' Introduction to Part III 21.Organizational Response to Workplace Violence - Elizabeth Kelley & Jane Mullen 22.The Experience of Victims: Using Theories of Traumatic and Chronic Stress to Understand Individual Outcomes of Workplace Abuse - Theresa M. Glomb & Lilia M. Cortina 23.Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and Workplace Violence - Joseph J. Hurrell Jr 24.Screening and Selecting out Violent Employees - Arla L. Day & Victor M. Catano 25.Training as a Workplace Aggression Intervention Strategy - Aaron C.H. Schat & E. Kevin Kelloway 26. Preventing Insider-initiated Workplace Violence - M. Sandy Hershcovis & Julian Barling Index About the Editors About the Contributors

"The Handbook of Workplace Violence brings together an impressive list of researchers and scholars with diverse areas of expertise related to workplace violence. This handbook provides an invaluable reference for both basic and applied researchers, students, and policymakers." -- Robert T. Hitlan * Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books * "Readers from other disciplines, who have an interest in interpersonal violence as it occurs in public spaces, would be drawn to other chapters and would be equally intrigued. In essence, this handbook has a broad readership and ably meets its goal of 'summarizing the state of current knowledge and charting the course for future research.'" -CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGY -- Canadian Psychology * Canadian Psychology *

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