Dr Kevin Lucas is Senior Lecturer in Psychology Applied to Healthcare, School of Health Professions, University of Brighton, UK.
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Health and Health Promotion `Theory', Models and Approaches Health, Disease and Illness The Voice of Authority Health, Social Indicators and the Quality of Life Social Capital for All? Reasoned Action? More Theory than Evidence Risky Behaviour? Judging the Odds The Indivisibility of the Individual from Society Human Perspectives in Health Promotion
"In this innovative work, Lucas... and Lloyd... challenge the approach to improving health by changing individual behaviors, e.g., through smoking cessation. The authors encourage a holistic approach that emphasizes quality of life.... The dominant thesis is the need for a significant shift in the way health promotion is planned, implemented, and evaluated. The authors' purpose is to present a more effective approach to health promotion for 21st-century Britain, but everything written is applicable to the U.S. Readers of this book - including teachers, practitioners, and researchers - will broaden and improve their perspectives and find useful, rich references. Summing up: Recommended. Upper-level undergraduates and above." -- M.K. Snooks * CHOICE *