Effective Educational Leadership


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Edited by Nigel D Bennett, Megan Crawford, Marion Cartwright
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Managing people is a key aspect of leading and the exercise of leadership skills. Institutions are complex organizations of structures and cultures reflecting the values of those who lead and work in them. Managing People in Education is about those people. It deals with the 'art' of leadership and leading, with teams and collaborative ways of working and with the operational systems which form part of the daily practice of management in organizations. Managing people is not the same as managing any other resource. Managing people involves recognizing and dealing with the range of human nature, life choices, feelings and emotions. Leading and Managing People in Education also considers the affective dimension of leadership and the exercise of management skills. It provides an opportunity for critical reflection on a range of literature, which forms a framework for self-examination and institutional critique. The editors believe that the practice of leadership is fragmented and that leadership is not just for leaders but also for anyone working in an organization. The main themes covered are: - learning to be leaders - dispersed leadership - managing people and teams in organisation structures - the experience of leading in practice Leading and Managing People in Education is suitable for providers and students in higher educational institutions postgraduate level courses in educational management and leadership development provision for Headteachers induction programmes, NPQH and LPSH. It is also suitable for use on short courses and for practitioners occupying or aspiring to leadership roles in schools, colleges and other educational organizations.

Dr Megan Crawford is Professor and Director of Plymouth Institute of Education and was formerly Reader in the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and Deputy Head of the Faculty. . Her research encompasses principal preparation, teacher development, and emotion and leadership. She teaches on Masters and Doctoral programme and is especially interested in the relationship between theory and practice. Megan is a National Leader of Governance in England, and has been a governor at six primary and secondary schools. She is currently Chair of Governors of an outstanding secondary school which she has been with since it was a green field. She is on the Executive of the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS www.belmas.org.uk.), and was its Chair from 2009-11 Megan has worked internationally in diverse places including Canada, Japan, and Iceland. Megan's previous book on emotion and leadership was published in 2009.

Introduction - Nigel Bennett, Megan Crawford and Marion Cartwright PART ONE: THE CURRENT CONTEXT OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP: POLICY AND VALUES Leadership in Education - Bill Mulford Losing Sight of Our Interests The Lifeworld at the Centre - T J Sergiovanni Values and Actions in Educational Leadership PART TWO: UNDERSTANDING EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Leadership Theory Reviewed - Melissa Horner Structure, Culture and Power in Organizations - Nigel Bennett Inventive Management and Wise Leadership - Megan Crawford Networks, Cognition and Management of Tacit Knowledge - Mie Augier and Morten Thanning Vendel[sl]o The Arts of Leadership - K Grint PART THREE: PREPARATION FOR LEADERSHIP Mission Possible? An International Analysis of Head Teacher/Principal Training - Brian Caldwell, Gerald Calnin and Wendy Cahill Effective Training for Subject Leaders - Alma Harris, Hugh Busher and Christine Wise Conflict and Change - Michael F DiPaola Daily Challenges for School Leaders Management Development and a Mismatch of Objectives - Graeme Currie The Culture Change Process in the NHS PART FOUR: PRACTISING LEADERSHIP Effective Leaders and Effective Schools - Kathryn Riley and John MacBeath Fostering Teacher Leadership - Kenneth Leithwood, Doris Jantzi and Rosanne Steinbach Critical Studies on Men, Masculinities and Management - David L Collinson and Jeff Hearn Cross-Cultural Perspectives on School Leadership - Miles T Bryant Themes from Native American Interviews Managing Ambiguity in Further Education - Denis Gleeson and Farzana Shain Between Hierarchical Control and Collegiality - David Hellawell and Nick Hancock The Academic Middle Manager in Higher Education PART FIVE: DILEMMAS IN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT The Emotional Side of Leadership - Rick Ginsberg and Timothy Gray Davies Leadership Challenges and Ethical Dilemmas in Front-Line Organizations - Patrick Duignan and Victoria Collins

`its unique contribution is the exploration of links between leadership discourses and the themes that have emerged from the school effectiveness movements since the 1980s. Riley and MacBeath provide one of the most valuable contributions to the volume by arguing that there are no generic recipes for educational leadership but ingredients which need to be carefully selected with a knowledge of specific contexts and needs. I would use this book with graduate students and practitioners seeking to develop a perspective about contemporary educational leadership. Its greatest contribution is its exploration of the links between effective leadership and effective education. The book also provides optimism in that many of the authors have not capitulated to the reductionist visions of the past two decades. There is still hope that educational theorists and practitioners view the life world as the true source of educational inspiration' - Journal of Educational Administration `Leadership is the theme of this decade. This series provides an enormously valuable overview of all the critical issues involved in designing leadership as the main strategy for educational reform.... A great and timely collection'- Michael Fullan, Dean, OISE/University of Toronto 'Excellent value-for-money... can be recommended to those who with to have an authoritative source from which to update their knowledge in a particular filed yet have not the time to cover the complete corpus of core literature.' - Educational Research

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