Teaching Secondary English


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By Mark Pike
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Dr Mark A Pike is Lecturer in English in Secondary Education and Head of PGCE English at the University of Leeds. He was Head of English in a large comprehensive school and taught English in secondary schools for over ten years. He has written widely on the teaching of English

PART ONE: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE The Art of Teaching English `Operational' Lesson Planning `Metre' Reading Assessment in English English Teachers' Professional Development PART TWO: TEACHING THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM Literature and Literacy at Key Stage 3 Teaching GCSE English and English Literature Teaching English 16-18 Advanced Level PART THREE: CHALLENGING ENGLISH Making Meaning The Media, ICT and Drama Differentiation and the Individual Gender, Ethnicity and Special Needs Firing the Canon Popularizing Poetry Spiritual and Moral Development Through English

`Instead of taking us yet again on a tour through the four modalities of English, this book's tri-partite structure takes a refreshingly different approach by offering thought-provoking argument grounded in classroom practicality' - Nick McGuinn, University of York Students' comments on Teaching Secondary English: `The book is written in clear, digestible terms, offering many practical ideas for teaching the key skills and the wide range of material encountered in the English classroom. .. It is the kind of book which can be dipped into, which is particularly useful for people who spend most of their time planning lessons!' `Teaching Secondary English is a must for student teachers and NQTs. It is a clear, comprehensive and practical guidebook dealing not solely with theory and pedagogy, but with the very real issues facing new teachers today' ` It is clear that Teaching Secondary English, unlike so many textbooks on the subject, is written by someone with recent classroom experience and this helps the reader to trust and respect the advice it purports. I certainly feel it is grounded in practicalities not "pie in the sky" theory that will not work in most `real' classrooms!'

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