Introduction - Richard S Katz and William Crotty PART ONE: DEFINITION OF PARTY What is a Political Party? - John Kenneth White The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Modern Political Parties - Susan E Scarrow The Unwanted Emergence of Party-Based Politics Party Origins and Evolution in the United States - William Crotty Party in Democratic Theory - Richard S Katz Political Parties and Deliberative Democracy? - James Johnson Party Systems and Party System Types - Steven Wolinetz PART TWO: FUNCTIONS OF PARTY Political Parties as Mechanisms of Social Choice - Marjorie Randon Hershey Recruitment - Pippa Norris Candidate Selection - Reuven Y Hazan and Gideon Rahat Methods and Consequences Political Parties in a Changing Campaign Environment - David M Farrell On the Cusp of Change - John Green Party Finance in the United States Political Parties, American Campaigns, and Effects on Outcomes - Brian J Brox and Daron R. Shaw Parties and Government - Hans Keman Features of Governing in Representative Democracies Parties into Government - Lieven de Winter and Patrick Dumont Still Many Puzzles Party Patronage and Colonization of the State - Wolfgang C M[um]uller Exceptionalism in the United States - Nicol C Rae Party System Institutionalization and Party System Theory After the Third Wave of Democratization - Scott Mainwaring and Mariano Torcal Party Politics in Post-Communist Transitions - Zsolt Enyedi Party, Ethnicity and Democratization in Africa - Shaheen Mozaffar PART THREE: PARTY ORGANIZATION Party Models - Andr[ac]e Krouwel American Exceptionalism - Alan Ware Movement Parties - Herbert Kitschelt Political Parties as Multi-Level Organizations - Kris Deschouwer Party Membership and Participation - Knut Heidar Electoral Mobilization in the United States - James W Endersby, John R Petrocik and Daron R Shaw Professional Staff in Political Parties - Paul Webb and Robin Kolodny Party Crashers? The Relationship Between Political Consultants and Political Parties - David A Dulio PART FOUR: PARTY AND SOCIETY Party and Social Structure - Peter M Siavelis Cleavages - Peter Mair Political Parties and Social Capital, Political Parties or Social Capital - Eric M Uslaner Political Parties and Social Structure in the Developing World - Vicky Randall Political Parties and Other Organizations - Thomas Poguntke Clientelism and Party Politics - Jonathan Hopkin Party as a Carrier of Ideas - Francesca Vassallo and Clyde Wilcox Identifying Dimensions and Locating Parties - Ian Budge Methodological and Conceptual Problems PART FIVE: PARTIES AND THE STATE Party Law - Wolfgang C M[um]uller and Ulrich Sieberer Regulation of Party Finance - Karl-Heinz Nassmacher Legal Regulation and Protection of American Parties - Daniel H Lowenstein Party States and State Parties - Paul G Lewis PART SIX: PARTIES IN THE FUTURE The International Role of Political Parties - Kay Lawson European Union and Political Parties - Robert Ladrech Party Transformations - William Crotty The United States and Western Europe Parties in the Media Age - Holli A Semetko Cyber Parties - Helen Margetts