Data Collection and Analysis 2/e


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Edited by Roger Sapsford, Victor Jupp
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Roger Sapsford is Reader in Social Research at the University of Teesside. Victor Jupp is Principal Lecturer in Criminology and Social Research in the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Northumbria University Contributors Malcolm Ashmore, Loughborough University, UK Lee Barron, Northumbria University, UK Russell W. Belk, Northwestern University, USA Roy Boyne, University of Durham, UK Angela Brady, Northumbria University, UK David Brockington, University Of Plymouth, UK Martin Bulmer, University of Surrey, UK John Bynner, University of London, UK David Byrne, University of Durham, UK Michael Carrithers, University of Durham, UK Ellis Cashmore, Staffordshire University, UK Amanda Coffey, Cardiff University, UK Tony Columbo, Coventry University, UK Louise Corti, University of Essex, UK Iain Crow, University of Sheffield, UK Julia Davidson, University of Westminster, UK Pamela Davies, Northumbria University, UK Martyn Denscombe, De Montfort University, UK Derek Edwards, Loughborough University, UK Nigel Fielding, University of Surrey, UK Uwe Flick, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany Jeremy Foster, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Philip Gardner, Cambridge University, UK Jeanette Garwood, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Luca Greco, University of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), France Martyn Hammersley, The Open University, UK Jamie Harding, Northumbria University, UK Rom Harre, Georgetown University, USA Eric Harrison, University of Oxford, UK Alexa Hepburn, Loughborough University, UK Claire Hewson, Bolton Institute, UK Dick Hobbs, University of Durham, UK Mark Israel, Flinders University, Australia David Jary, University of Birmingham, UK Vince Keddie, Department for Education and Skills, UK Aidan Kelly, University of East London, UK Robert Kozinets, Northwestern University, USA Richard Lampard, University of Warwick, UK Gayle Letherby, Coventry University, UK Curt Le Baron, Brigham Young University, Utah, USA Ana Lopes, University of East London, UK Eugene McLaughlin, The Open University, UK Craig McLean, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Bernd Marcus, Chemintz University, Germany Steve Miles, Northumbria University, UK David L. Morgan, Portland State University, USA Rachael Moss, University of Liverpool, UK George Moyser, University of Vermont, USA John Muncie, The Open University, UK John Newton, Northumbria University, UK Paul Oliver, University of Huddersfield, UK Geoff Payne, formerly University of Plymouth, UK Sarah Pink, Loughborough University, UK Helen Poole, Coventry University, UK Jonathon Potter, Loughborough University, UK Paul Pye, University of Teesside, UK Deborah Reed-Danahay, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Karl-Heinz Renner, University of Bamburg, Germany Catherine Riessman, Boston University, USA Lyn Richards, Director, Research Services, QSR, Australia Margaret Rowe, Northumbria University, UK Andrew Rutherford, University of Keele, UK Roger Sapsford, University of Teesside, UK Mark Saunders, Oxford Brookes University, UK Thomas A. Schwandt, University of Illinois, USA John Scott, University of Essex, UK Christina Silver, University of Surrey, UK Teresa Smallbone. Oxford Brookes University, UK Mark Smith, The Open University, UK Paul Spector, University of South Florida, USA Robert Stallings, University of Southern California, USA Thomas Staufenbriel, University of Osnabrueck, Germany Graham Steventon, Coventry University, UK Maggie Sumner, University of Westminster, UK John Swain, Northumbria University, UK Nick Tilley, Nottingham Trent University, UK Adelinde Uhrmacher, University of Rostock, Germany Paul Valentine, University of East London, UK David de Vaus, La Trobe University, Australia Margie Wetherell, The Open University, UK Chris Wharton, Northumbria University, UK Malcolm Williams, University of Plymouth, UK

PART ONE: DESIGN ISSUES Validating Evidence - Roger Sapsford and Victor Jupp Survey Sampling - William Schofield PART TWO: DATA COLLECTION Observational Research - Peter Foster Asking Questions - Michael Wilson and Roger Sapsford Research and Information on the Net - Roger Sapsford Using Documents - Ruth Finnegan PART THREE: DATA ANALYSIS Preparing Numerical Data - Betty Swift Extracting and Presenting Statistics - Roger Sapsford Statistical Techniques - Judith Calder and Roger Sapsford Analysis of Unstructured Data - David Boulton and Martyn Hammersley Discourse Research - Roger Sapsford Documents and Critical Research - Victor Jupp PART FOUR: CONCLUSION Ethics, Politics and Research - Pamela Abbott and Roger Sapsford

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