Gerard Delanty is Reader in Sociology at the University of Liverpool

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VOLUME ONE: PHILOSOPHY, ETHICS AND CRITICAL THEORY Introduction - Gerard Delanty PART ONE: NEGATIVE DIALECTICS The Concept of Totality in Lukacs and Adorno - Martin Jay T W Adorno and the Dilemmas of Bourgeois Philosophy - Susan Buck-Morss Adorno's Kierkegaardian Debt - David Sherman Minding the World - Espen Hammer Adorno's Critique of Idealism Concepts and Intuitions - Stale Finke Adorno after the Linguistic Turn Adorno and Habermas on the Human Condition - Deborah Cook PART TWO: ETHICS AND REDEMPTION Correlations, Constellations and the Truth - David Kaufmann `Bilderverbot' Meets Body in Theodor W Adorno's Inverse Theology - Elizabeth A Pritchard Adorno on the Ethical and the Ineffable - James Gordon Finlason PART THREE: CRITICAL THEORY, IDEOLOGY CRITIQUE AND SOCIAL SCIENCE The Positivist Dispute as a Turning Point in German Post-War Theory - Agnes Heller The Popper-Adorno Controversy - David Frisby The Methodological Dispute in German Sociology To Question Foundations - Leon Goldstein Kultur and Culture - David E Morrison The Case of Theodor W Adorno and Paul F Lazarsfeld Objectivity and Insecurity - Ryan Drake Adorno and Empirical Social Research Farewell to Critical Theory? - Helmut Dubiel Cultural Critique and Cultural Presuppositions - Johann Arnason The Hermeneutical Undercurrent in Critical Theory Hibernation - Irving Wohifarth On the Tenth Anniversary of Adorno's Death VOLUME TWO: AESTHETIC THEORY PART ONE: ART AND POLITICS IN AESTHETIC THEORY The De-Aestheticization of Art - Richard Wolin On Adorno's AEesthetische Theorie Utopia, Mimesis and Reconciliation - Richard Wolin A Redemptive Critique of Adorno's [um]Aesthetic Theory Autonomy of Art - Peter U Hohendahl Looking back at Adorno's AEesthetische Theorie The Social Significance of Automomous Art Adorno and B[um]urger - Lambert Zuidervaart Historical Dialectics and the Autonomy of Art in Adorno's [um]Aesthetische Theorie - James M Harding Adorno, Marxism and Art - Russell A Bernan Critical Notes on Adorno's Sociology of Music and Art - Donald B Knuspit Art and Criticism in Adorno's Aesthetics - Raymond Geuss An Aesthetics of Negativity/An Aesthetics of Reception - Pauline Johnson Jauss's Dispute with Adorno Autonomy and Anti-Art - Stewart Martin Adorno's Concept of Avant-Garde Art PART TWO: PHILOSOPHY OF MUSIC An Introduction to Adorno's Music and Social Criticism - Ronald Weitzman A Knowledge That Would Not Be Power - Calvin Thomas Adorno, Nostalgia, and the Historicity of the Musical Subject Adorno's Wagner - Gyorgy Markus PART THREE: ON JAZZ The Impossibility of Music: Adorno, Popular and Other Music - Robert Hullot-Kentor Adorno and Jazz - Ulrich Schoenherr Reflections on a Failed Encounter Adorno, Jazz and the Aesthetics of Popular Music - Theodore A Gracyk Why Did Adorno Hate Jazz? - Robert W Witkin Adorno on Jazz and Society - Joseph D Lewandowski VOLUME THREE: SOCIAL THEORY AND THE CRITIQUE OF MODERNITY PART ONE: ON THE DIALECTIC OF ENLIGHTENMENT Back to Adorno - Robert Hullot-Kentor The Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Post-Functionalist Theory of Society - Johann P Arnason Dialectic of Enlightenment as Genealogy Critique - Roger Foster Between Modernity and Postmodernity - Christopher Rocco Reading Dialectic of Enlightenment The Oversimplification of Politics - Richard Rorty The World Spirit on the Fins of a Rocket - Michael Loewy and Eleni Varikas Adorno's Critique of Progress The Dialectic of Enlightenment - Yvonne Sherrat A Contemporary Reading The Urgeschichte of Subjectivity Reconsidered - Joel Whitebook The Possibility of a Disclosing Critique of Society - Axel Honneth The Dialectic of Enlightenment in Light of Current Debates in Social Criticism The Enlightenment of Rationality - Hauke Brunkhorst Remarks on Horkheimer and Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment The Death of the Sirens and the Origin of the Work of Art - Albrecht Wellmer PART TWO: ANTI-SEMITISM Adorno and Horkheimer - David Seymour Enlightenment and Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism as Distorted Politics: Adorno on the Public Sphere - Brett R Wheller PART THREE: POPULAR CULTURE AND CAPITALISM Adorno on Sport - William Morgan The Case of the Fractured Dialectic Left-Wing Elitism, Adorno on Popular Culture - Bruce Baugh Popular Occultism and Critical Social Theory - Cary J Nederman and James Guilding Exploring Some Thems in Adorno's Critique of Astrology and the Occult Of Mice and Ducks - Miriam Hansen Benjamin and Adorno on Disney Adorno on Late Capitalism - Deborah Cook Totalitarianism and the Welfare State Adorno on Mass Society - Deborah Cook VOLUME FOUR: CULTURAL THEORY AND THE POSTMODERN CHALLENGE PART ONE: `DAMAGED LIFE': EXILE AND AMERICA Recollections of Theodor W Adorno - Leo Lowenthal Theodor Adorno - J[um]urgen Habermas The Primal History of Subjectivity - Self-Affirmation Gone Wild Adorno's Uncle - Evelyn Wilcock Dr Berhard Wingfield and the English Exile of Theodore W Adorno, 1934-8 Damage Control - Nico Israel Adorno, Los Angeles, and the Dislocation of Culture Adorno in America - Martin Jay The Displaced Intellectual? Adorno's American Years Revisited - Peter U Hohendahl PART TWO: FILM THEORY Critical Theory and Film - Diane Waldman Adorno and 'The Culture Industry' Revisited The Aesthetic Experience of Modernity: Benjamin, Adorno, and the Contemporary Film Theory - Richard W Allen Against Negation, For a Politics of Cultural Production - Georgina Born Adorno, Aesthetics, the Social PART THREE: WELLMER ON ADORNO From Schoenberg to Odysseus - Joel Whitebook Aesthetic, Psychic and Social Synthesis in Adorno and Wellmer New German Aesthetic Theory after Adorno - Austin Harrington Martin Seel's Art of Diremption PART FOUR: JAMESON ON ADORNO A Marxism for the Postmodern? Jameson's Adorno - Peter Osborne Jameson's Adorno, or the Persistence of the Utopian - John Pizer PART FIVE: MODERNISM AND POSTMODERNISM The Last of the Modernists - Eduardo Delafuente Adorno, Foucault and the Modern Intellectual Foucault and Adorno - Axel Honneth Two Forms of the Critique of Modernity Interpretation and Domination - Shane Phelan Adorno and the Habermas-Lyotard Debate The Politics of Nonidentity - Adorno, Postmodernism - and Edward Said - Fred Dallmayr Adorno, Heidegger and Postmodernism - Hauke Brunkhorst Adorno and the Decline of the Modern Age - Peter B[um]urger The Literary Process of Modernism: From Rousseau to Adorno - Hans Robert Jauss Adorno, Tradition and the Postmodern - Ulrich Schoenherr PART SIX: THE FEMINIST RESPONSE The Need in Thinking - Carie C Hull Materiality in T W Adorno and Judith Butler Adorno, Art Theory, and Feminist Practice - Amy Mullin A Hidden Agenda - Heidi M Schlipphacke Gender in Selected Writings by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer