Key Concepts in Journalism Studies


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By Bob Franklin, Martin Hamer, Mark Hanna, Marie Kinsey, John E Richardson
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My main research interests revolve around social inequalities and language use, and the ways that these interact with and affect each other. I work within a field of research known as Critical Discourse Studies. We argue that because language use contributes to the production and the reproduction of social life, logically, it must play a part in producing and reproducing social inequalities. Critical Discourse Analysts aim to show how this occurs, thereby linking social and linguistic analysis. I am the Chief Editor of the international peer review journal, Critical Discourse Studies

Entry Absence Accessibility Accountability Accuracy Adversarial journalism Advertising Advertising codes Advertorial Agenda setting Agony aunt Alternative media Ambient news Apologies April fool Audience Audience fragmentation Audience segmentation Bad News Balance Bandwidth Bias Bi-media Broadcasting Broadloid Broadsheet Calcutt Cartoons Censorship Chequebook journalism Circulation Collocation Columnist Commercial radio/ILR Communication Communication Act 2003 Competition Contempt of court Content analysis Context Contextualised journalism Convergence Conversation analysis Culturogical approaches Cyberspace D notice, DA notice Decoding Defamation De-regulation De-unionisation Diary Digitisation Discourse Discourse analysis Documentary Dumbing down Editor Email Embargo Embedded journalist Ethics (journalism) Ethnicity Fairness Fallacy Fifth estate Fillers or "COIs" First Amendment Fleet Street Focus Groups Fourth estate Framing Franchise auction Free newspaper Freelance Gallery reporters Gatekeeper Glasgow Media Group Globalisation Gonzo journalism Guard dog theory of journalism Hard news Hegemony Hierarchy of influences Himalayan option Human Rights Act Hutton Hypertext (hypermedia, hyperlink) Ideology Ideological state apparatuses Icon Impartiality Independent national radio Independent producers Information architecture Information subsidies Infotainment Interactivity Internet Intertextuality Inverted pyramid Interview Investigative journalism Journalism Journalism education Journalism studies Journalism of attachment Journalist Lapdog theory of journalism Libel Licence fee Lobby Local newspaper Local radio Macrostructure Market driven journalism McDonaldization and McJournalism Mass communication Media Media effects Media mogul Media scrum Metaphor Metonym Minimax programming Modality Modern mainstream Moral panic Multiculturalism Multimedia Myth Narrative Narrowcasting/niche broadcasting National press New media New technology News bunny News News agency News angle News editor Newsgathering News management News release Newsroom News values Newszak Obituary Objectivity Off the record fficial Secrets Act Online advertising Online journalism Orientalism Othering Ownership Oxygen of publicity Photojournalism Plurality test Portal Prejudice Press baron Press freedom Presupposition Primary definition Prime Minister's Press Secretary Privacy Producer choice Producers' guidelines Production format roles Promise of performance Propaganda Propaganda model Proprietorialism Public access broadcasting Public interest Public interest broadcasting Public interest test Public journalism Public relations Public service broadcasting Public sphere Quality threshold Racism Radio Reach/share Readers' Editor (Ombudsman) Readers' letters Readership Reconstruction Referential strategies Regulation Reporter Representation Right of reply Rolling news Royal Commissions on the press Scripts Self-censorship Self-regulation Sensationalism Shovelware Signification Silly season Sketch writers Soft news Sources Spin Spin doctor Spoiler Stereotype Story Style Style guide Subscription Tabloid Target audience Taxes on Knowledge Television Text Trade press Transitivity Two step flow Two way Usability Uses and gratifications Video journalist Video news release Virtual community Watchdog journalism Watergate Weblog Website World Wide Web Yellow Journalism

'The five authors have drawn on their enormous range of experience in newspaper and broadcast journalism, at national and regional level, as well as their teaching expertise for this book, which will be essential reading for students in journalism, and as invaluable reference tool for their professional careers'

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