Cynthia R. Knowles works nationally helping schools, agencies, and businesses maximize the effectiveness of their prevention programs through student and employee training, curriculum review, data analysis, awareness education, and program evaluation. She works as the Health and Wellness Coordinator at Livonia Central School, Livonia, New York; as a lecturer at the State University of New York at Geneseo; as a supervisor of student teachers in health education at the State University of New York at Cortland; and as a professional ski instructor. Previously she has been the Director of Rehabilitation for a 135-bed homeless shelter, a psychotherapist for adolescents and their families, and a regional coordinator for the Safe and Drug Free Schools grant program. Through articles and training seminars, she advocates for truth, accuracy, and youth involvement in the field of violence and substance abuse. She teaches participants to question their sources and to validate all information before passing it on. Her politics are simple: She believes that all of us-parents, teachers, and neighbors-have the ability to change the world significantly through our interactions with youth. She believes in prayer and miracles but is still slightly superstitious and overinsured. Cynthia welcomes your feedback, especially your experiences, chal-lenges, insights, and successes with using this book for program evaluation.
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List of Figures About the Author Introduction 1. Where's the Money? Funding That Matches Needs Primary Sources of Funding Information Secondary Sources of Funding Information Online Sources of Funding Information Private, Corporate, and Foundation Funding Online Grantwriting Tools Conclusion Where's the Money?: Checklist 2. A First Look at the Application Process Cover Letter Authorizing Legislation Eligibility Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Estimated Range of Rewards Project Length Prohibited Uses Selection Factors Background Selection Criteria Deadlines Rejection A First Look: Checklist 3. Write to Your Audience The Readers Technical Review Form Authorizing Statute Getting Started Readability Write to Your Audience: Checklist 4. Establishing Need Demographics Establishing Need Existing Resources Establishing Need: Checklist 5. Goals and Objectives Goals Objectives Objectives and the Authorizing Statute Goals and Objectives: Checklist 6. Plan of Operation Literature Review Resources and Personnel Management Plan Sound Research Methods Equal Access Dissemination and Replication Conclusion Plan of Operation: Checklist 7. Quality of Key Personnel Project Director Staff Distribution Job Descriptions Quality of Key Personnel: Checklist 8. Budget Development Budget Form Budget Narrative Years Two and Three Negotiations Budget Development: Checklist 9. Evaluation Plan Implementation Evaluation Outcome Evaluation Model Programs Evaluation Plan: Checklist 10. Commitment and Capacity Adequacy of Resources Sustainability Commitment and Capacity: Checklist 11. Cover Sheets, Abstracts, and Other Miscellany Cover Sheet Protection of Human Subjects in Research Table of Contents Abstract Attachments Submitting Your Application After Submission Cover Sheets, Abstracts, and Other Miscellany: Checklist Resource A: Meeting the Purposes of the Authorizing Statute Resource B: Community and School Demographics Resource C: Student Enrollment Data Collection Form Resource D: Summary Teacher Education/Expertise Resource E: Process Objectives Resource F: Outcome Objectives Resource G: Project Workplan Resource H: Project Timeline Resource I: Proposed Staff Distribution Resource J: Writing An Abstract Resource K: Glossary Resource L: Grantwriting FAQs Resource M: Forms References Other Grantwriting Resources Index
"Direct, clear, and concise, this comprehensive book is full of good suggestions for everyone from a novice to an experienced grantwriter. The author's use of simple language makes it easy to read and understand." -- Michael Cormier, Superintendent "The detail and step-by-step discussion of the grantwriting process presented in this book provide a high level of comfort without being overwhelming. The large number of grant resources and checklists are invaluable." -- Bill Ferland, Information Technology Coordinator "For inexperienced and experienced grantwriters alike, this extremely useful reference book uses an easy-to-read format that encourages readers to go forth in the grantseeker's world with confidence." -- Cynthia Davidson, Assistant Director Financial Aid