Leadership for Equity and Excellence

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9780761945864

Creating High-Achievement Classrooms, Schools, and Districts

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By James Joseph Scheurich, Linda E. Skrla
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James Joseph Scheurich is an associate professor in educational administration and the director of the Public School Executive Leadership Programs at The University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of two books, Anti-Racist Scholarship and Research Method in the Postmodern, and coauthor with Bob Donmoyer and Michael Imber of another, The Knowledge Base in Educational Administration. In addition, he and a coauthor have another book under contract and nearly completed, Equity and Accountability. He is the coeditor with Angela Valenzuela of the journal, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. He is the author or coauthor of numerous articles in academic journals, including in Educational Researcher, Journal of Education Policy, Urban Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Education and Urban Society, and the International Journal of Leadership in Education, among others. He also writes newspaper editorials and for education journals, such as Phi Delta Kappan. His doctorate was earned at The Ohio State University. Linda Skrla is Professor of Educational Administration at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the Texas A&M faculty in 1997, Linda worked as a middle school and high school teacher and as a campus and district administrator in public schools. Her research focuses on educational equity issues in school leadership, including accountability policy, high success school districts, and women superintendents. Linda is Vice President of Division A of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Editor of Educational Administration Quarterly. She has published extensively in academic journals and has co-authored and co-edited five other books, the most recent of which is Using Equity Audits to Create Equitable and Excellent Schools (Corwin Press, 2009).

Foreword - Carl D. Glickman Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. Working on the Dream What We Will Cover in the Book 2. Learning To Believe the Dream Is Possible Barriers to Believing Learning to Believe Conclusion 3. Standards and Curriculum Why Use Standards? The Necessity of Curriculum Alignment How Allignment of Standards and Curriculum Works in Creating Equitable and Excellent Schools Conclusion 4. Instruction and Classroom Climate High Expectations and Respect Culturally Responsive Teaching Loving and Caring in the Classroom Democratic, Collaborative Teaching Environments Continual Development of Content Expertise Discipline Problems Are Largely a Function of Inequity, a Lack of Caring, and Weak Instruction Conclusion 5. Accountability and Appropriate Data Usage Avoiding the Test Factory Response to Accountability Using Accountability Positively for Equitable and Excellent Schooling Conclusion 6. Using Data to Uncover and Erase Systemic Inequities Applying Equity Audits to Gifted and Talented Program Data Using Equity Audits on Special Education Data Using Equity Audits on Discipline A Process for Addressing Inequities Identified by Equity Audits Using Equity Audits on Achievement Data and Teacher Quality Data Conclusion 7. School Leadership and Continuous Improvement Three Essential Characteristics of Leadership for Equity and Excellence Sustaining Yourself as a Leader for Equity and Excellence A Note for Campus and District Leaders on Building Leadership Capacity A Note to Principals and District Leaders About Assistant Principals Conclusion 8. Proactive Redundancy Proactive Redundancy in the Classroom Proactive Redundancy in Teacher Professional Development Proactive Redundancy Involving District Support Staff The Importance of Proactive Redundancy in Equitable and Excellent Schools Conclusion 9. Deep Collaboration with Parents and Community Conclusion 10. The Final Call: Working on the Dream Each Day in Every Way What We See in the Future Final Words, the Final Call References Index

"It brings into focus the many aspects of equity and equality in one source. It makes an excellent base for some meaningful discussion of these issues by those working with aspiring educator leaders, as well as those already in the field." -- Deborah A. Drugan, Principal

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