Christine F. Ewy offers expertise from 30 years as a classroom teacher of pre-school through adults, instructional resource teacher, curriculum and inservice specialist, building and district-level administrator, adjunct professor, and consultant. Her methods focus on standards-based curriculum development that incorporates engaged learning, integrated technology, graphic design, and strong assessment components. Language acquisition, literacy development, and bilingual education are also important components of her staff development and consulting projects.
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Index Foreword - Robert Marzano Introduction Ch. 1: Unit Visual Framework: Making Ongoing Sense of a Unit of Study Ch. 2: Focus: The Basis for Coherence and Cohesion Ch. 3: Getting Started Ch. 4: Co-Development and Ownership, Essential Requirements Ch. 5: Visual Consistencies: Cohesion Building Blocks Ch. 6: A Teacher's Story: Moving From Beginning to Experienced Use of UVFs Ch. 7: Getting the Results You Want References Resources
"Teaching with Visual Frameworks provides case studies that demonstrate how one teacher in one classroom can make a difference by using Visual Frameworks (graphic displays) that allow teachers and students to get the results they want from the work they do." -- Jessie Kalinowski, National Board Certified Teacher, Golden Apple Fellow "Teaching with Visual Frameworks embraces the increasing diversity of our student population, values students as multicultural resources, and honors students as evaluators. These unique attributes make this book an invaluable guide for educators across settings and contexts." -- Margo Gottlieb, Director, Assessment and Evaluation "The system and techniques described in this book mark the beginning of what might be nothing short of a revolution in classroom pedagogy. The reader will find this book not only highly practical but also quite provocative in its implications." -- From the Foreword by Robert J. Marzano, Adjunct Associate Professor "Teaching with Visual Frameworks provides a breath of fresh air to the dialogue on strategies to improve student learning. As I read, I realized that the author's innovative visual framework for learning was a previously missing tool in my bag of educational teaching/learning tricks." -- Margaret Byrnes, Managing Associate