

A Reader

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Edited by Yvonne Jewkes, Gayle Letherby
Release Date:
242 x 170 mm
710 g

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Yvonne Jewkes is Professor of Criminology at the University of Bath and Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Melbourne. She has been carrying out prison research-much of it ethnography-for over 20 years and has spent the last decade researching and writing about prison architecture and design and their potential to rehabilitate. She has recently held two Economic and Social Research Council grants to study these topics and has worked as a consultant to prison architects and senior prison service personnel around the world. She has published extensively on various aspects of prisons and imprisonment, including (with Ben Crewe and Jamie Bennett) The Handbook on Prisons (2nd ed., 2016, Routledge). With Ben Crewe and Thomas Ugelvik, she is the Founding Editor of the new SAGE journal Incarceration. Gayle Letherby is an honorary professor of sociology at the University of Plymouth and a visiting professor at the University of Greenwich. Alongside substantive interests in reproductive and non/parental identities; gender, health, and well-being; loss and bereavement; travel and transport mobility and working; and gender and identity within institutions (including universities and prisons), she has an international reputation in research methodology. Expertise in this area includes feminist and qualitative approaches and in auto/biography and creative reflexivity (with reference to data collection and presentation). Gayle is currently a coeditor of the SAGE journal Methodological Innovations and is in the process of editing the Handbook of Feminist Research for Routledge. In addition to her own research and writing, Gayle has significant experience in research mentoring and consultancy both within academia, for grant funding bodies and for HealthWatch UK. For examples of nonacademic writing and pieces written for general readership, see and

Introduction PART ONE: APPROACHING THE STUDY OF CRIME: HISTORICAL AND DEFINITIONAL ISSUES Victorian Boys, We are Here! - Geoffrey Pearson Perspectives in Criminological Theory - Sandra Walklate Definitions of Deviance - Howard S Becker Ten Points of Realism - Jock Young Psychology and Crime Behaviour - Peter B Ainsworth The Development of Feminist Perspectives on Crime - Nicole Hahn Rafter and Frances Heidensohn PART TWO: MYTHOLOGIES OF CRIME Crime, Power and Ideological Mystification - Steven Box The Social Construction of Official Statistics - Clive Coleman and Jenny Moynihan Corporate Crime, Official Statistics and the Mass Media - Gary Slapper and Steve Tombs Crime and the Media - David Kidd-Hewitt A Criminological Perspective Folk Devils and Moral Panics - Stanley Cohen The Creation of the Mods and Rockers The Ultimate Neighbour from Hell? Stranger Danger and the Media Framing of Paedophiles - Jerry Kitzinger Crime in Context - Ian Taylor A Critical Criminology of Market Societies PART THREE: CRIME AND SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Bias in the Criminal Justice System - Micheal Cavadino and James Dignan Crime, Culture and Community - Janet Foster White Collar and Corporate Crime - Hazel Croall The Race and Crime Debate - John Lea and Jock Young From Scarman to Stephen Lawrence - Stuart Hall Youth and Crime - John Muncie A Critical Introduction The Myth of Girl Gangs - Susan Batchelor Ordinary Experiences - Elizabeth A Stanko When Men are Victims - Tim Newburn and Elizabeth A Stanko The Failure of Victimology PART FOUR: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Cop Culture - Rob Reiner Policing and the Police - Clive Coleman and Clive Norris Key Issues in Criminal Justice The Trial - Frank Belloni and Jacqueline Hodgson The Injudiciary - Andrew Billen Justifications and Purposes of Imprisonment - Ian Dunbar and Anthony Langdon The Closed Emotional World of Security Wing - Stanley Cohen and Laurie Taylor PART FIVE: CRIME CONTROL AND THE FUTURE Crime, Control and the Future - Nigel South Some Theories and Speculations Social Control - Barbara A Hudson Smile, You're on TV - John Naughton They're Watching You - Martin Bright Land of the Free - Gary Younge New Ways to Break the Law - Douglas Thomas Cybercrime and the Politics of Hacking

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