PART ONE: THE LEGACY OF SOCIOLOGY Cultural Analysis In Marxist Humanism Georg Simmel - John Scott The Frankfurt School - Chris Rojek Stuart Hall and The Birmingham School - Douglas Kellner Giddens and Cultural Analysis - Absent Word and Central Concept - Chris Rojek PART TWO: CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL THEORY - John Scott Zygmunt Bauman, Culture and Sociology Foucault: Interpretive Analytics and the Constitution of the Social - Peter Beilharz Framing Bourdieu - Tim May & Jason Powell 'Speculation To The Death': Jean Baudrillard's Theoretical Violence - Derek Robbins PART THREE: CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL ANALYSIS - William Merrin Reconceptualizing Representation and Identity: Issues of Transculturalism and Transnationalism In the Intersection of Feminism and Cultural Sociology Feminist Knowledge and Socio-cultural Research: Ethno-mimesis, Feminist Praxis and The Visual Turn - Ann Brooks Popular Music - Maggie O'Neill Cultural Citizenship: Questions of Consumerism, Consumption and Policy - Eamonn Carrabine