Roland Barthes


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Edited by Mike Gane, Nicholas Gane
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Mike Gane is Professor of Sociology at University of Loughborough

PART ONE: BARTHES AND OTHER THINKERS On Representation and Essence - Nicholas Huckle Barthes and Heidegger Barthes and Sartre - Michel Rybalka The Paradoxical Effects of Macluhanisme - Gary Genosko Cazeneuve, Baudrillard and Barthes Reading/Writing Between the Lines - Gail Weiss Benjamin, Fourier, Barthes - Michael Hollington Barthes meets Benjamin? - John Thobo-Carlsen A Relating of their Views on the Conjunction Between Language and Literature Barthes via Proust - Steven Ungar Circular Memories Traitement de faveur (Barthes lecteur de Sade) - Philippe Roger Myth and Politics in the Works of Sorel and Barthes - Michael Tager Demystification - Michael Kelly A Dialogue between Barthes and Lefebvre Signification and Simulation - Mary McGee Wood Barthes's Response to Turing PART TWO: METHOD/RHETORIC/WRITING The Place of Rhetoric in Roland Barthes - Patrick O'Donovan Roland Barthes's Narratology - Frank Whitehead Rhetoric, Theory, Surface - Andy Stafford Roland Barthes and the Limits of Structuralism - Paul de Man Barthes, Orpheus ... - Michael Holland Barthes's Body - Leslie Hill PART THREE: EARLY WRITINGS - MICHELET, WRITING DEGREE ZERO Barthes Hot and Cold - Rick Rylance Early Work Barthes and Michelet - Andy Stafford Biography and History PART FOUR: SEMIOLOGY/MYTHOLOGIES/MODERNITY To Read the World - Peter Fitting Barthes Mythologies 30 Years Later Barthes - Michael Moriarty Ideology, Culture, Subjectivity Laundering the Text - Sheri Hoem Barthes's Criti-Myth-Oetics From Event to Memory Site - Steven Ungar Thoughts on Rereading Mythologies Modern Mass to Postmodern Popular in Barthess Mythologies - Marianne de Koven Roland Barthes - William S Haney II Modernity Within History PART FIVE: JAPAN Barthes's Imaginary Voyages - Lynne A Higgins The Plural Void - Trinh T Minh-ha Barthes and Asia The Soul and the Sense - Darko Suvin Meditations on Roland Barthes on Japan Exoticism Then and Now - Dalia Kandiyoti The Travels of Pierre Loti and Roland Barthes in Japan Japan as Western Text - Rolf J Goebel roland Barthes, Richard Gordon Smith, and Lafcadio Hearn Barthes and Orientalism - Diana Knight PART SIX: S/Z S/Z - Donald Rice and Peter Schofer Rhetoric and Open Reading S/Z - Deborah G Lambert Barthes' Castration Camp and the Discourse of Polarity Roland Barthes S/Z from a Musical Point of View - Patrick McCreless Sign, Seme and the Psychological Character - Andrew J Scheiber Some Thoughts on Roland Barthes S/Z and the Realistic Novel Castrati, Balzac, and Barthes S/Z - Yvonne Noble A Map of Terms - Raymond J Wilson III The Cultural Code and Ethnic Psychology in Roland Barthes S/Z PART SEVEN: LATER WORK: PLEASURE OF THE TEXT/A LOVERS DISCOURSE Difference - Robert Miklitsch Roland Barthes's Pleasure of the Text, Text of Pleasure A Hedonist Apostasy - Jose G Merquior The Later Barthes The Non-Homogeneous I - Colleen Donnelly Fragmentation, Desire, and Pleasure in Roland Barthes's A Lovers Discourse Discourses of Desire - Laurie J Churchill On Ovids Amores and Barthes's Fragments dun Discours Amoureux Loving Writing - Armine K Mortimer Fragments d'un Discours Amoureux We Always Fail - Paul Smith Barthes' Last Writings The Late(r) Barthes - Alec McHoul and David Wills Constituting Fragmenting Subjects PART EIGHT: THEMES (I) THE DEATH OF THE AUTHOR The Death of the Author (as Producer) - John Stopford The Death of the Author - Peter Lamarque An Analytical Autopsy Feminist Literary Criticism and the Author - Cheryl Walker The Revenge of the Author - Colin MacCabe Roland Barthes's Resurrection of the Author and Redemption of Biography - J C Carlier PART NINE: THEMES (II) ART CINEMA/THEATRE Roland Barthes and the Nouvelle Critique - David Funt Artist - Work - Audience - Lucian Krukowski Musings on Barthes and Tolstoy The Insistent Fringe - Vivian Sobchack Moving Images and Historical Consciousness At the Readers Discretion - James S Williams On Barthes and Cinema Constructing a Radical Popular Theatre - Andy Stafford Roland Barthes, Brecht and Theatre populaire Performing Degree Zero - Timothy Scheie Barthes, Body, Theatre PART TEN: THEMES (III) PHOTOGRAPHY/CAMERA LUCIDA/LA CHAMBRE CLAIRE Roland Barthes on the Aesthetics of Photography - Dale Jacquette Roland Barthes and the Spectre of Photography - Ralph Sarkonak Barthes Explores Photography 'As a Wound' - Corinna A Tsakiridou Barthes Real Mother - Eilene Hoft-March The Legacy of La Chambre Claire The Subject of Enuncication in Roland Barthes's La Chambre Claire - Johnnie Gratton PART ELEVEN: THEMES (IV) GENDER/SEXUALITY/IDENTITY Roland Barthes - Lawrence D Kritzman The Discourse of Desire and the Question of Gender Barthes and Feminity - Claire Oboussier A Synaesthetic Writing The Secretive Body - Pierre Saint-Amand Roland Barthes's Gay Erotics From 'incident' to 'texte' - Murray Pratt Homosexuality and Autobiography in Barthes's Late Writing Roland Barthes - Daniel Dervin The Text as Self; The Self as Text

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