Systems Thinking


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Edited by Gerald Midgley
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VOLUME ONE: GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY, CYBERNETICS AND COMPLEXITY The Historical Necessity and Scientific Feasibility of Tektology - A A Bogdanov General System Theory - L Von Bertalanffy General Systems Theory - K Boulding The Skeleton of Science Definition of a System - A D Hall and R E Fagen On the Concept of a System - J H Marchal General Systems and Holism - M Bunge Systems Philosophy - E Laszlo A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy - P K M'Pherson Explaining Emergence - C Emmeche, S Koppe and F Stjernfelt Towards an Ontology of Levels Living Systems - J G Miller Basic Concepts The Future of General Systems Research - L R Troncale Obstacles, Potentials and Case Studies Cybernetics - N Weiner A Mathematical Theory of Communication - C E Shannon Requisite, Variety and Its Implications for the Control of Complex Systems - W R Ashby Form, Substance and Difference - G Bateson Science and Complexity - W Weaver The Architecture of Complexity - H A Simon Exploring Complexity - I Prigogine Complex Adaptive Systems - M Gell-Mann VOLUME TWO: SYSTEMS THEORIES AND MODELLING Evolutionary Universals in Society - T Parsons Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia - G Bateson et al Emergent Attractors and the Law of Maximum Entropy Production - R Swenson Foundations to a Theory of General Evolution Self-Organization, Transformity and Information - H T Odum Gaia - J E Lovelock Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems - J W Forrester Rationality in the Analysis of Behavioral Simulation Models - J D W Morecroft Beyond the Limits - D H Meadows, D L Meadows and J Randers An Executive Summary General Systems Theory - F E Kast and J E Rosenzweig Applications for Organization and Management The Systems Approach - G M Jenkins Three-Dimensional Morphology of Systems Engineering - A D Hall The Context, Nature and Use of Systems Analysis - E S Quade and H J Miser The Viable System Model - S Beer Its Provenance, Development, Methodology and Pathology Characteristics of Socio-Technical Systems - F Emery The Formal System Paradigm for Studying Failures - J Fortune and G Peters Engineers as Analysts of Social Systems - I R Hoos A Critical Enquiry Systems Theory as an Ideology - R Lilienfeld Cybernetics and Organization Theory - G Morgan Epistemology or Technique? Dynamic Models of Evolving Systems - P M Allen VOLUME THREE: SECOND ORDER CYBERNETICS, SYSTEMIC THERAPY AND SOFT SYSTEMS THINKING The Cybernetics of Cybernetics - H Von Foerster Reconstructing the Concept of Knowledge - E Von Glasersfeld Reality - H Maturana The Search for Objectivity or the Quest for a Compelling Argument The Autopoiesis of Social Systems - N Luhmann The Roots of Reductionism - R Fuenmayor A Counter-Ontoepistemology for a Systems Approach The Self-Referential Structure of an Everyday-Living Situation - R Fuenmayor A Phenomenological Ontology for Interpretive Systemology Paradoxes, Double Binds and Reflexive Loops - V E Cronen K M Johnson and J W Lannamann An Alternative Theoretical Perspective Hypothesizing - Circularity - Neutrality - M Palazzoli et al Three Guidelines for the Conductor of the Session A Constructivist Position for Family Therapy - L Hoffman Human Systems as Linguistic Systems - H Anderson and H A Goolishian Preliminary and Evolving Ideas about the Implications for Clinical Theory Human Systems are Different - G Vickers Operations Research as a Profession - C W Churchman Assumptional Analysis - I I Mitroff J R Emshoff and R H Kilmann A Methodology for Strategic Problem Solving Structural Thinking - J N Warfield and S M Staley Organizing Complexity through Disciplined Activity Resurrecting the Future of Operational Research - R L Ackoff From Optimizing to Learning - P Checkland A Development of Systems Thinking for the 1990s The Leader's New Work - P M Senge Building Learning Organizations Learning in and about Complex Systems - J D Sterman Group Model Building - J A M Vennix Tackling Messy Problems The VSM - R Espejo and R J Harnden An Ongoing Conversation VOLUME FOUR: CRITICAL SYSTEMS THINKING AND SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVES ON ETHICS, POWER AND PLURALISM Towards an Appropriate Social Theory for Applied Systems Thinking - J Mingers Critical Theory and Soft Systems Methodology Critical Heuristics of Social Systems Design - W Ulrich The Theory and Practice of Boundary Critique - G Midgley I Munlo and M Brown Developing Housing Services for Older People A Methodological Comparison of the Science, Systems and Metasystems Paradigms - J P Van Gigch Towards a System of Systems Methodologies - M C Jackson and P Keys The Origins and Nature of Critical Systems Thinking - M C Jackson Total Systems Intervention - R L Flood, and M C Jackson A Practical Face to Critical Systems Thinking What is this Thing called CST? - G Midgley Discordant Pluralism - W J Gregory A New Strategy for Critical Systems Thinking Inquiry and Intervention in Systems Planning - N Romm Probing Methodological Rationalities The Habermas\Luhmann Debate and Subsequent Habermasian Perspectives on Systems Theory - K C Bausch Valuing the Epistemic in the Search for Betterment - R Bawden The Nature and Role of Critical Learning Systems Multi-Modal Systems Design - J D R De Raadt A Concern for the Issues that Matter Towards Synergy in Multiperspective Management - H A Linstone and Z Zhu An American-Chinese Case Multimethodology - J Mingers and J Brocklesby Towards a Framework for Mixing Methodologies Interventive Interviewing - K Tomm Intending to Ask Lineal, Circular, Strategic, or Reflexive Questions? Theorizing about Power - C Flaskas and C Humphreys Intersecting the Ideas of Foucault with the `Problem' of Power in Family Therapy Love and Violence - V Goldner et al Gender Paradoxes in Volatile Attachments

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