Developing Person-Centred Counselling 2/e


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By Dave Mearns
Release Date:
216 x 138 mm
350 g

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Dave Mearns is formerly Director of the Counselling Unit and Professor of Counselling at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Dave is author or co-author of four other counselling books published by SAGE: Person-Centred Counselling in Action, Second Edition, Experiences of Counselling in Action, Person-Centred Counselling Training and Person-Centred Therapy Today: New Frontiers in Theory and Practice.

Introduction PART ONE: EXTENDING THE THERAPEUTIC CONDITIONS Don't Confuse Unconditional Positive Regard with `Liking' Offering the Client an Engagement at `Relational Depth' What Is Involved in Offering Wider Contracts to Clients? Extend the Core Conditions to the Whole of Your Client - Introducing `Configurations' of Self Don't Get `Hooked on Growth' PART TWO: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNSELLOR Counsellor `Paralysis' Diagnosis and Treatment Beware of the Need to Appear `Clever' `Burn-Out' and How to Avoid It Personal Therapy Is Not Enough What to Do If You Are Not Perfect Using the Large Unstructured Group to Develop Congruence in Person-Centred Training Developing a Spiritual Discipline - with Brian Thorne PART THREE: THE THERAPEUTIC ALLIANCE You Do Not Need to Be an `Expert' on the Client Group or Issue to Work Expertly with the Client Be `Beside' the Client, but Not `on the Side of' the Client Getting beyond `Transference' Brief Companionship - with Brian Thorne Becoming Aware of the `Unspoken Relationship' between Counsellor and Client Tapping the `Unspoken Relationship' between Counsellor and Client PART FOUR: THE THERAPEUTIC PROCESS Getting the `Power Dynamic' Right Let the Client's Locus of Evaluation Be the Guide to Your Working Assisting the Client's Focusing Be Aware of and Beware the Dynamics of Self-Concept Change Confronting the Client Trouble-Shooting `Stuckness' within the Therapeutic Process PART FIVE: PERSON-CENTRED PSYCHOPATHOLOGY The Person-Centred Perspective on Psychopathology - with Elke Lambers The Neurotic Client Borderline Personality Disorder - with Elke Lambers Psychosis - with Elke Lambers Personality Disorder - with Elke Lambers An Introduction to Client-Centred Pre-Therapy - with Dion Van Werde Dealing with the Possibility of Psychotic Content in a Seemingly Congruent Communication - with Dion Van Werde

`This is a useful book for those who use person-centred counselling in their practice, or who are training to become person-centred counsellors' - Counselling and Psychotherapy, the Journal of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

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